Drinks and Small Talk

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The Doctor knew he'd blown his chance that night. And now he sat at a hunter-friendly bar sipping a beer. He should have been more prepared. He should have done so many thing differently but his humanity had gotten to him. Again. Whenever people were in danger he rushed into things guns blazing. It usually worked out for the best in the end but this time was different. He hadn't done the proper research on the demon and it had nearly gotten him killed. Not to mention she was angrier and more alert than ever and he was sure innocent people were going to suffer because of his screw up.
He waved the bartender down for an other drink as he stared into the empty glass in front of him. This was probably something else he shouldn't be doing. But at this point he didn't care. A few drinks wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Besides it wasn't like he could just summon up the Mistress again and finish what he started. She'd be pissed and he was no more prepared to fight her than he had been just hours ago. Much less a pissed off version of her. He nodded to the bartender when his empty glass was full again and took a long gulp of it, letting out a sigh.
"Troubled?" Asked a voice from beside him as a dark haired woman slid into the seat next to him. She smiled at him, her blues eyes raking over him. "Hang on just a minute..." She began, a note of realization in her Scottish voice. "You're him, aren't you? The Doctor?"
He raised his bushy eyebrows at her, trying to figure out what exactly it was she wanted from him. He wasn't really in the mood for any sort of company at the moment, after all. Much less that of someone like her who would just ask him five hundred questions.  "Aye..." He nodded cautiously. He knew he was well known amongst the hunter's community but he had never much cared about that. He did his job and helped people, that was what mattered to him. The fact that he was the best or famous for it was just a second thought. He didn't much care either way. He'd met people like her before. The fans. He didn't much care for them. He didn't deserve fans, he was just an other Hunter. She surprised him though when she simply nodded and continued to smile at him.
"What brings you out here?" She asked, her ruby red lips curled into a warm smile. She waved down the bartender and slipped him a wad of cash and soon after a glass of wine appeared in front of her.
He watched her actions carefully. Calculating everything. It was strange for someone dressed like she was, all in Victorian grab, to be in a bar. Much less for her to be forking over a substantial amount of money for a glass of wine. People didn't usually dress to the nines to go to a dive bar like this much less for a glass of wine.
He gave her a shrug. "Botched a job. Needed a drink." He answered raising the glass of beer to her. "You know who I am clearly. So who are you? I'm assuming you're a huntress?"
"Missy." She answered, sipping at her glass of wine. "Screwed up a job too?" She chuckled a bit, knowing that a fucked up job was really no laughing matter but if they got too serious about it it would kill them inside. "Couple vamps made for the hills. Haven't been able to locate their nest yet and didn't get much info from them. You're not working the same thing are you?" She asked, concern crossing her face as if she was worried she'd interfered with his own job.
He shook his head. "No no. Not vamps." He corrected her, still not cracking a smile and barely looking up at her from his beer. "Demon actually. Succubus to be exact."
She gasped, giving him a look of pure shock and terror. "I'd heard about the supposed succubus attacks on the town over. Didn't think it was anything past a few religious men making excuses for cheating on their wives. But if you're here...." She trailed off. "Which one is it? Do you know?"
"Koschei." He answered quickly not looking up. "The Mistress."
Missy just stared at him with a look of bewilderment. It'd been a long time since that name had come topside. The last time she'd attacked so freely she'd attracted the unwanted attention of hunters. Resulting in the attempt to kill her. She'd easily been able to slaughter the one that had tried but not before she'd been wounded. Badly. Everyone just thought they'd scared her off past coming up for a bite to eat more than once a year. But from the sounds of it she was back. And chowing down on a good part of the next town over's population. "Vamps soundin' pretty easy..." She muttered. She sipped on her wine, finishing it and watching him. She could tell how shaken he was. Something that all the rumors about him said he never was.
He looked up at her shaking his head. "Missy, listen. I appreciate the small talk. And I understand this is a hunter bar, everyone in here talks about work but right now that's the last thing I even want to think about. So if you could just drop it that would be great."
She raised her hands in surrender. "No work. Got it. But I can tell you need a friend. So here I am." She smiled.
He just looked her over, confused by her. She recognized him but didn't make a big deal about it? He asks her to stop talking work and she offers to be his friend? She seemed too good to be true. But a slight smile soon crept across his lips. "Thanks. That'd be much appreciated. I don't get those too often any more."
She nodded. "Any time. Your drinks are paid for too. So don't worry about it." She winked at him.
"You really don't have to.." He began to protest but she raised a hand and cut him off. "I wanted to. Now tell me, John Smith, what kind of things does a man like you do in your Free Time?"
He chuckled, thankful for the distraction. He hadn't really noticed how much he needed a distraction. Or company even. Since he'd lost his last partner he'd become reckless and refused to let anyone in. But this woman was different. It felt like he already knew her. And her personality was just so inviting. It felt good to have someone else to talk to for once. And talk they did. Up until the bar closed and at which point she wrote down where she was staying on a napkin and gave it to him with a wink. "Next time we talk a bit of business." She told him as they parted ways for the night. "Then small talk but I have an offer for you. But that can wait until next time." She smirked.
He nodded and smiled. She was fairly confident in herself. He liked that. "Aye. Sounds like a plan."

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