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The damn Impala had started right up when the Doctor had gone out to leave this time. He was relived he wouldn't have to take the time to fix her up again but even more infuriated that she had refused to start when he had been on a time schedule. It wasn't like anything had gone wrong on the hunt. Quite the contrary actually; they'd both come out with only minor injuries that weren't even as bad as they had seemed at the moment. Which was incredibly rare for a hunt. He'd only been going to pick up Missy! So what could possibly have been the temperamental machine's issue?
'Missy.' Something in the back of his mind told him, but he quickly shook it off. Sure she was crazy. Sure her morals might be a bit questionable but that was no reason for the Impala to want to keep them apart. There was nothing wrong with her.
It didn't matter now though, he was in route to one Owen Harper, the demon's latest victim. Missy had already called ahead and spoke with the man, telling him interpol had a certain interest in his case. He seemed a bit shocked at first but Missy was a wizard with words and lies and he was soon convinced that they were from a special devision of interpol that worked in supernatural cases. Basically she'd described the Men in Black but he had bought it so it worked for the Doctor.
Missy had suggested staying behind to do a little more digging into the lore while he got what he could from Owen. They both had also agreed that he probably wouldn't want to be seeing any strange women anytime soon after his experience with Koschei; he'd seemed shaken enough talking to Missy over the phone.
Missy had watched him leave with a slight smirk on her lips. There was something about the way he moved that enthralled her, more so than she'd ever been before. But the moment the door shut behind him and she heard the roar of his car driving away she went to work.
First thing she needed to do was get rid of that damn blade he had hidden in the side table drawer. That thing worried her. He'd been all to ready to attack her that morning. So she would replace it with a fake. Something that he would believe was the real thing but couldn't do any real damage to her if she startled him in the middle of the night or something.
She walked over, pulling open the drawer and removing the blade. She looked it over in her hand. She didn't really understand what was so special about this thing. She touched the metal blade of it and quickly drew her hand back, letting out a hiss. She brought her finger to her lips, sucking off the small trickle of blood. She hadn't expected it to cut her so easily. So She quickly moved to her bag and pulled out a cloth, wrapping up the blade and shoving it into the bag before pulling out the replacement blade. She took care to put the blade into the drawer exactly how he had left the real one. Not that she really thought he would notice if it was slightly off but she didn't need want to take any chances.
She let out a sigh and retrieved the laptop once more, collapsing back onto the bed once more. She opened up the computer and pulled up a private browsers. She didn't want him snooping around with the history. He couldn't know she wasn't doing as she had said she would. She needed to gather information, yes. She hadn't lied about that. It just wasn't Koschei she was searching for.
No she had other, much more pressing concerns on her mind. Something that had been bothering her from day one. And she couldn't just discuss it with him. So she pulled up the search engine of a trustworthy lore site and typed in a single word. Angels.

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