The Blue '67 Impala

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John kicked the tire of the old car. It wouldn't start again. Sometimes he wondered why he kept the old thing. But then he remembered that the old blue '67 impala held far too much sentimental value and he couldn't afford a new car. So he was stuck with the old piece of metal that often malfunctioned. Though more often then not the machine led him exactly where he needed to be. It would break down in some back woods town and he'd stop to fix her up just to find that the town had some kind of supernatural trouble. Sometimes it was a werewolf problem, maybe a few ghosts, and even in some cases a demon possession. But always something. It was almost as if she had a mind of her own. But she always got her where he needed to go so he couldn't fault her. But now he was frustrated.
He'd made plans with Missy again. They'd met a few times since their deal had been made and today they'd planned on finally inflating the abandoned factory they'd pinpointed and suspected to be the vampire nest. But it would be difficult to meet Missy and follow through with their plans if the damn car wouldn't start. He kicked at the tire again letting out a groan. "What is it now you hunk of tin!" He complained at it as he hopped back into the drivers seat and turning the key again. The engine faltered, acting as if it was going to start but then stopped again. He threw his head back in the seat letting out a long groan. What was her problem!? She'd been working just fine last night! He pulled out his cell phone, frustratingly punching in Missy's number. But before he could hit send a woman tapped on his window. He looked up and quickly cranked the window down. She bent down leaning her elbows on the lip of the window, looking in at him with a smug smile plastered across her lips. "I wondered what was taking you so long, old man." Missy joked.
He didn't respond right away, just gave her a nasty look.
She chuckled. "Come now. Can't take a joke?" She asked, grinning at him warmly.
She stood up and opened the door for him. "Let's take my car, aye? This thing doesn't seem to be cooperating with you today."
He eyed her for a moment, glancing around her to see the sharp black corvette parked across the lot behind her. He swung his legs out of the car and stood up, towering over her. "Fine." He grumbled, glaring down at her for a moment before walking past her to the sporty car.
She rolled her eyes following after him, making note not to irritate him any time soon. She watched him from a safe distance. He seemed to be sulking and it was honestly a bit adorable. He kicked at a rock laying on the ground before angrily opening the passengers side door and climbing in. He looked up at her giving her a look that said 'we don't have all day' and slammed the door shut.
She shook her head chuckling to herself. He was throwing a little tantrum. She changed her mind; it wasn't a bit adorable. It was absolutely adorable. She strode over and climbed into the drivers side, glancing over at him to see him sulking like a child, arms crossed over his chest. She gave him a small smile. "Come now, love. Can't fight monsters in a mood like this." She put the key into the ignition, turning the car on with no trouble. This seemed to irritate him further because he let out a small huff and didn't answer her. She shrugged, shifting the car into reverse and backed out of the parking spot. She glanced over at him one more time. "Are you just not going to talk to me today?" She asked raising an eyebrow and shifting into drive. "It's not my fault your car won't start. No need getting mad at me over it." She turned her attention back out the windshield and pulled out of the parking lot heading towards the old factory.
He was silent for a moment more before letting out a long sigh and shifting in his seat, pressing his fingers to his temples. "I'm sorry Missy." She began, the sincerity clear in his voice. "The damn thing just frustrates me so much sometimes..." He began but he was holding something back. But he couldn't tell her the real reason he was upset. The fact that his car wouldn't start worried him, far more than it should. But the thing always led him right and for some reason it didn't want him to go out today. But why? Of course she'd think he was a fool if he told her that. So it was best to keep to himself. That and his pride was a bit wounded that she had to be the one to drive him. "And I didn't want you to have to drive..." He admitted under his breath.
She smirked a bit to herself. "I'll have it fixed right up for you." She told him, only realizing after that that probably wouldn't help his pride at all. She glanced over at him quickly. "It's no need to worry about it love. I'm sure it will be working in no time."
"I appreciate the offer but I'd much rather fix it up on my own. Nobody else is touching my car." He said a bit cryptically. Truth be told he didn't want anyone else working on it but if he did ever take it to a mechanic he would surely be arrested in no time. What with the Arsenal of weaponry and devil's traps painted in the back.
She nodded as if completely understanding. She was a hunter too after all. She knew full well what a car meant to a traveler like him. "fair enough." She answered.
The rest of the trip was silent for the most part, save for a bit of casual conversation. Though it wasn't long before they were pulling into the parking lot of the abandoned factory. Why did vampires always pick these creepy places for their hideouts? At least demon's had the decency to hide away in luxurious resorts and the like.
She threw the car into park a good distance from the building so they wouldn't draw too much attention to themselves and looked over to him. "Ready?" She asked, taking in a deep breath.
He nodded solemnly in return.

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