Poisonous Illusions

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A man stood in front of him wearing a face he recognized but couldn't place. His all too familiar voice spoke a single word of condemnation, "banishment." A hand raised in his direction and the next thing he knew he was falling. The bitter cold of the air tearing at his skin and his hand gripped tighter around what felt like someone else's smaller, fragile hand. Falling and falling and...
The Doctor pulled away from her grasp, panting and wide-eyed. "What... What was that?!" He demanded, his eyes locked with Missy's blue ones. "What did you do to me!?"
She raised her hands in surrender. "I didn't do anything to you.. I was merely showing you..."
"Showing me what!?" He snapped, cutting her off. He was outraged and still ready to attack her if she did anything. Though her damn human form was making it hard for him.
"The past!" She snapped back, her eyes flashing red again. "Your past."
"How can that be my past. That was a dream. An illusion."
She let out an exasperated sigh. Why was he so goddamn stubborn? "Doctor listen to me. You know what that was. You can feel it. You wouldn't be so scared if you thought it was an illusion."
His mouth dropped open to protest but he knew she was right. The damn demon had a point. He felt like a memory, painful as it was it felt like it had happened. And he supposed it had. But he wasn't ready to just believe the succubus's sorcerous vision just yet. "It has so be an illusion." He muttered.
She sighed again, taking a step back raising her hands again to show she meant no harm. "Fine. Let me tell you a story then. You decide whether or not it's true."
He nodded, his fingers still grasped around his blade tightly and backing up against the table she had dropped her own blade on.
She watched him carefully, she knew what he was doing but there wasn't much she could do to stop him even if she wanted to. "When humanity came along rules were placed on angels. Many of them couldn't handle it and fell from grace. Two being rather high up arch angels." She began, watching him for any sort of reaction. So far he didn't seem impressed. "They had fallen in love, which was encouraged but only when the love was equal with every other angel. Love amongst each other. These two however, could not change the way they felt. They were in love with each other. So they met in private, confessed their love to each other, even consummated it. But Rassilon, the highest arch angel found out. The two were brought to trial and found guilty of unequal love. Their punishment was banishment."
He watched her as she spoke, she seemed sincere but he really couldn't understand what she was trying to say. Even if he was one of the Angels who was the other? "And that's what I saw? Rassilon casting me out of heaven?" He asked, reaching behind him and picking up her blade.
She nodded, not moving to stop him as he brought the blessed blade to her throat. "You're lying!" He hissed, the blade drawing a small trickle of blood where it pressed against her skin.
She didn't move still. "You don't have to believe me. I told you it was a story. Your choice to accept it as fact or not." She held her hands in the air. "Kill me if you want. But you know I'm right."
His chest heaved, the blade still pressed against her throat. But the way she was looking at him... The way Missy was looking at him... He couldn't take it. Even if she was lying to him he couldn't kill her. Not while she looked like the woman he'd fallen in love with. He dropped the blade away from her throat and stepped away. "I still don't believe you."

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