Death of a Demon and her Hunter

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She was a little unnerved when he didn't reply. He just stood there looking down at the angel blade in his hand, her blade. Even if he did believe her she was still a demon who'd fed for nearly two thousand years and killed many many innocent people. He was the Doctor, a name chosen because he helped people. She was quite the opposite now and clearly very far from the person Theta had known all of those years ago. She had been a fool to think he could ever love her again.
She turned his blade around in her hand and offered it out to him. He was the Doctor. He saved people and stopped creatures like her. And she had to be stopped. Because even if she said she was done that didn't mean she would keep to it. She would kill again, that was almost unavoidable. As much as she wanted to say she wouldn't... She knew she'd slip up again. She enjoyed killing too much. And he knew it too.
He looked up at her hand offering him the knife then her. His expression went from confusion to sadness as he realized what she was doing. He pushed back her hand, refusing to take the blade from her, even if it was his. "Koschei... I can't...."
She tilted her head, letting her hands drop to her sides. "What...?" She asked a bit shocked by his response.
He shook his head. "I can't kill you. I know... I know I probably should. But... I can't do it." He dropped her blade onto the floor, leaving him weaponless. He was hoping that would prove to her that he meant no harm. He didn't care what she was. Or whatever the bloody hell he was. In the end they were star crossed lovers destined to find each other.
She watched him, her blue eyes going from his face to the blade on the floor. She really couldn't gauge what was going on in his head. Did he really remember? Or was this just the hunter in him drawing her in before the kill? She took a step towards him. "Theta....?" She questioned, trying out his true name.
His blue eyes snapped to her's, smiling slightly. "I said, I'm not going to kill you. I can't. I won't." He took her hand in his own, pulling her close. He placed his other hand over her hand holding the blade.
She looked up at him, her eyes pleading and her lips parted slightly. She would be lying if she said she wasn't relieved by his words. She didn't want to die but she would if he chose to fight her. Because she wouldn't fight back. Not now that she knew he really was Theta. "You know what I am..." She muttered.
He nodded. "I do." He began, prying the blade from her fingers while their gazes were locked. He took the blade from her and tossed it across the room. "But I also know who you are. Who you really are, Koschei." He drew her in, pressing his lips against her's. "I believe you."
She returned the kiss, holding onto his hands like her life depended on it. When they broke apart she kept her eyes glued to his. Blue. Bluer than anything she'd ever seen. Bluer than the sky. The eyes of an angel.
"You said you were done..." He began breaking the silence. "You told me you wanted to continue to hunt with me.."
She nodded, her words were gone for the moment. Her mind was reeling and part of her still expected him to stab her with the Angel blade because of what she was. But the sharp pain never came and she hoped it never would.
"Do you still want to?" He asked almost sheepishly.
A small smile crept across her painted lips. "Of course."
He drew her in once more for a kiss, both now standing in the center of the summoning circle. This certainly hasn't been how he had expected to kill Koschei the Mistress. But he supposed it had still be an successful hunt.
The succubus was gone. Or at least the vile, manipulative monster that the succubus had become was. Now there was just the woman in his arms, the remnants of the angel that fallen all those years before.
He gazed into her angel blue eyes as the kiss broke once more. "I love you, Koschei."
She supposed that the succubus was dead but so was her Hunter. John Smith and Koschei the Deathless were gone. And in their place stood the Doctor and Missy.
She leaned to his ear, smiling and whispered her quiet reply. "I love you too. I always have."

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