Should I ?

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When Chres let go of your wrists he glared at you and went into his room slamming the door behind him . You quickly ran into your room and started to cry. You was always getting abused by your parents & you never told anyone but your grandma only she knew you prayed to God that no one would even touch you again and the way Chres grabbed your wrists was very hard. You used to cut your wrists only that you would use foundation to cover it up so that no one could see but sometimes it was no use could it left a huge scar there.  You slept until you heard a knock on the door . You yawned and you saw Chres walk in. You stared at him as your eyes adjusted to the light he sat on the edge of your bed and stared at you .

“What do you wanna do to me now ? Hurt me more ?”-You asked

“I am really sorry but ion want you dating any of my bros”-Chres shook his head

“And I understand but why did you have to hurt me Chres ?”-You looked at him with saddened eyes

Tears started to flow

“You need to tell me something Yn ?”-Chres asked a little worried

“N-no it doesn't matter”-You sniffed and wiped your tears

“No tell me , It seems serious”-Chres said rubbing your arm

“Well before I moved in with my grandma, I used to get beat by my parents and my dad used to rape me so I hoped that no one would ever touch me again so everyday I pray hoping that someone won't beat or touch me cause I'm still hurt even over all the years I can still feel the pain ! Look at this”- You showed him your wrists and his eyes widened

 I try to cover it up but it doesn't work the scars are too big and when you grabbed my wrists, it started to hurt more . I'd cut my wrist everyday wishing that I could die someway but it didn't happen, I was tired of all the bullshit that was going on in my life then ...”-You trailed off

There was silence for 30 seconds then Chres finally had the courage to open his mouth and say something .

“I'm really sorry , I didn't even know , Yn”-Chres apologized chocking a little on his words. He hugged you

“I guess that it's okay . I'm used to getting beat and everything . You may beat me all you want after all I want to end my life”-You said

“NO ! I ain't gonna touch you ever again not even if you beg and plead I won't touch you or let anyone touch you okay ?”-Chres said sternly

“I...”-You managed to get out but got cut off by Chres

“OKAY ?!”-Chres asked a little more sternly

“Mhmm” -You said and nodded in a scared way

“Good .”-Chres brought you into a hug again then kissed your forehead

“Chresanto ?”-You asked

“Yeah ?”-You replied

“Why did you kiss my forehead ?”-You asked

“I don’t know tbh . I just want you to feel safe around me”-Chres explained 

“But I already am, Chres”- You looked up at him

“I understand but I want you to feel special”-Chres smiled and looked into your eyes 

“Chres stop looking into my eyes”-You blushed looking down

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