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You froze and turned around to find Chres standing behind you 

“Yes ?! What do you want ?”-You asked with a little attitude

“You”-Chres joked around and winked at you 

“No Chres ! Go and fuck with that H.O.E Ashley !”-You rolled you eyes

“Nawl forget about her . I just want you”-Chres winked again and bit his lip 

Chres climbed on top of you but you was trying to push him off of you but it wasn't working . His hands travelled all over your body until he stopped at your waist . He slowly pulled down you leggings and panties , you was about to push him off when you moaned. He had found your G-Spot. Well ion wanna go into detail but I'm just letting yall know that it was a very long , sweaty and breath taking night ... If ya get what I mean .

“Why did you do this ?”-You asked breathlessly  

“I only did this to show you my love for you & to say that I am sorry”-Chres said painting 

“Sorry for what ?”-You asked scrunching up your eyebrows  

“I'm sorry for saying all them mean things I shouldn't have said .. It's not your fault what happened to you”-Chres apologized looking into your eyes  

“Yeah I know Chres . Wait what time is it ?”-You asked

“3:26am”-Chres said

“Tf it feels like it was only 10:00pm, 1 hour ago”-You said

“Yeah I know right”-Chres agreed

“Yeah”-You said 

You slowly drifted off to sleep as Chres got his clothes back on & kissed you on your forehead then left your room.



You woke up feeling a bit sore from last night but you managed to get up and start on your job . No one was up apart from Chase who was just sitting on the couch reading the newspaper while drinking his coffee.


“Morning Chase”-You cheesed

“Good morning Yn , how you doing”-Chase asked

“Great ! How bout you ?”-You asked

“Not so good”-Chase sighed

“What’s wrong ?”-You asked

“It’s just that I need more money to help for my family and this is the only job that I have so I don’t know what to do now and they are on the verge of being broke”-Chase looked down

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that but wouldn’t you need another job ?”You asked

“Yeah that’s what I’m trying to find”-Chase said

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