Him Again .

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"Hey , I'll just take a shower so that we can go shopping"- You said as you gave baby Sierra to Yf 

"Yeah sure , I'll just give her - her breakfast"- Yf smiled .

"Yeah , Thanks"- You smiled .

"No problem . Hurry up tho so that we can get the good stuff & I left some clothes for you on your bed"- Yf said , feeding baby Sierra her bottle .

"Ohh okay"- And with that you went to go and take your shower .

When you got out of the shower , you checked your phone and there was a text message from an unknown number . You read the text message and it said :

???- Hahaha so you think that escaping to somewhere else will clear this up huh ? Listen and listen VERY carefully . If I see you with Chresanto again , I will kill you and baby Sierra . 

You started to cry & break down . Who was this person that was wanting to kill you & baby Sierra over Chresanto ? 

Yf heard you crying to she came into the bathroom . Yf found you crying , She then asked what was wrong .

"OMG what's wrong ? Why are you crying ?"- Yf asked in shock .

"The texts"-You covered you face and started crying 

Yf was confused for a moment then went to check the texts that you had been getting on your phone . Once she read all of the texts , She covered her mouth in shock .

"Yf sorry but we have to go and find out who is doing all of this . I am NOT letting anyone kill you or baby Sierra over Chresanto!"- Yf said . 

"But B-"- You tried to say but failed .

"Yf no buts , we are going to go shopping anthor day , just wear my clothes"- Yf said leading you into your room . She waited with you until you you was finished .

( A shock is about to happen ) ...

Yall went down stairs ..... To find that baby Sierra was gone .




You screamed and shouted that your baby was gone . 

Your phone vibrated .

???- Hahahaha , now that baby Sierra is out of the way this is gonna be much easier . Want to know where she is , come to the ...

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