The New Girl ..

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                                             ---2 Weeks Later---

What Has Happened Since The Confession - Jacob cheated on you .

You was heartbroken but you couldn't do nun bout it so you just went to Chres but when you went to him , he didn't care bout nun so u was by yourself . Only Angel was there to make u happy . 

There Was also some new neighbors who moved in the following week . They a a daughter the same age as you . She was pretty , she looked Puerto Rican ? She was short and thick . You could tell that Chres was feelin her . 

You can't lie .

Your blood was at boiling point .


*Ding Dong*

Chres- I'll Get It !! *Rushing to the door*

*Ding Dong .. Again*

“COMING !”-Chres shouted and went to do and open the door. “ Woahh damn”-Chres said

“Hello , my name is Bree “-?? said

“Well Hello there ma , what are u doing here ?”-Chres asked winking

“Well I just moved here , next door & my parents said that I should just come to say a quick hi”-Bree blushed

“Oh cool , my name is Chres , Chresanto August “-Chres did his sexy smile

“Hello , I'm Angel “-Angel said popping out of nowhere

“OMG You're sooo cute !”-Bree said

“Haha Thank You , I get that a lot”-Angel giggled

“Yeah this is my little sister , Angel “-Chres said

“Bye bye”-Angel waved and ran off

“She's soo cute & adorable “Bree said

“Just like her older brother , Right ? “-Chres smiled

“Haha I don’t know , you tell me “-Bree laughed

“Haha , scratch that . I'm sexy”-Chres aid feeling all over himself

“Haha yeah whatever well , Imma talk to you later then I guess ?”-Bree asked

“Yeah sure but , your number ?”-Chres asked

“Oooh you hardly know me and you want my digits huh ?”-Bree smirked getting a out from her back pocket

“Yes “-Chres said 

“Haha okay”-Bree wrote down her number on his arm adding some kisses at the end

“Thanks Bree , talk to you later”-Chres said

“Bye “-Bree waved

And with that she left 

Present Day 

“Yn , Bree is coming over tonight “-Chres said

“Soo ? Stupid ass bitch “-You mumbled the last part

“Bitch what was that ?”Chres asked as he pushed you

“Stop Chres !”-You pleaded

“Don't fucking say that ! “-Chres said punching you

“Chres I'm sorry , Just please stop !”-You begged

“STFU !”-Chres kept on punching you then punched you in your stomach


“You're what ?”-Chresanto stopped and asked in disbelief

“I'm pregnant”-You said tears  forming in your eyes

“I am soo sorry I never knew”-Chresanto said hugging you

“Chresanto you keep on saying that u wont hurt me but then you let your anger take over you . I have been beaten and raped my whole life . When is this bullshit gonna end ? Why was I even born ? I hate my life I wish that I was even dead . If all of this bullshit is happening to me , is it gonna continue till I die ? I just fucking hate my life”-You said battling the tears 

“Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you , okay ? I-I love you Yn”-Chres looked into your eyes 

“But you love Bree , Don't you ? You can't love 2 people at the same time “-You said

“If I had to choose , I'd pick you because I feel your pain and I am really sorry of all of this bullshit that has happened to you”-Chres said kissing you 

“You kissed me ..”-You said looking shocked

 “Yeah , I love you”-Chres said

“Chres , I-I have some news”-You said staring down at your feet

“What is it ?”-Chres asked lifting up your chin

“H-How do u feel about having a baby ?”-You asked nervously

“ .....”


Oh Shit ! 

What will Chresanto ?

What do u want him to say ?

Should I continue or just stop this story ?


 Oh Yeah I Dedicated this to _MrStache2013 as She is the one who commented & complimented on my last part :) 

Imma be choosing a person every time I update , Keep on commenting & it could be you :)

Love Yall :) <3

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