0.1: Epilogue

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I walked swiftly past the people that doesn't seem to care about anything else besides themselves. Who am I anyway for them to be bothered, huh? People are so narcissistic. They think that they are the center of the Universe. They think that they are the main protagonist of the story as if every people around them watches their every move, anticipates the next plot of their life, because they genuinely perceive themselves as unique just like everyone else. All of them thinks of that. They haven't thought that other people doesn't care that much about them because those other people have their own story to follow. But I guess I am like them. Specifically at this point in time. I want someone to look at me, watch me solve my problem.

When I looked at the sky, I noticed the dark clouds that loom around the atmosphere. Rain is for sure coming. I guess the heavens decided to weep with me. Soon enough, drizzle started to pour and cold winds blew. With all the technology humans had developed, we weren't successful in predicting the weather in point-blank precision. It would be easy to say that the people who brought their umbrellas for today are either boy/girl scouts, or people who knows the future.

The downpour started to strengthen so I covered my head with my hands and jogged away to find myself some cover. I looked over the surroundings but I only saw the flurry of hurrying people desperate to find shelter. All of them, thinking all about themselves. All of them who doesn't care while I am so helpless right now being soaked by the tears of the heavens. I tried so hard not to cry for myself but the rain made me feel that it's okay and it got my back, and so I let it all go. I don't want to stand around here messed up in the middle of the traffic of people so I asked myself, "Where could I stay?"

Then I saw a waiting shed. 

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