6.1: A Role

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Lightning continuously flashed across the dark sky and the eerie crackling of thunders followed. I've been loitering around here for minutes now and I could already feel chills in my feet. Cold, wet, alone- I never thought that those adjectives, particularly the first two could perfectly describe me until now because that is exactly what I am. Cold, wet, alone...and pathetic. Yeah, add pathetic to that list of adjectives. 

I think I've been standing by this tree far too long now since people are now staring at me, judging me, trying to think up a logical explanation why I let myself be drenched, why I am looking like this. Humans have perfected the art of making up stories to fill their insatiable hunger to make sense of everything around. So come on people, what do I look like to you right now? What story do I belong, which part, which character? Who am I to you right at this very moment? Thinking that they are looking right at me made me suddenly comfortable but at the same time not. Because for a second or two, I mattered to them because I caught their attention and I had a role in their own unique story.

With me staring blankly into the vastness, I haven't noticed that there was a man beside me already covering me with his umbrella. I looked at him and noticed that he's wearing a familiar worried smile.

When the Rain Stopped Falling (Published under Pop Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now