Running part two

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I stooped my motorcycle, why could he not just stay away. He growled then and started to walk towards me. I heard my mom's car come screeching to a stop. she came running out and tried to come over to me by my mate turned around and growled at her. I felt she might be in trouble so I shifted. I growled at Jacob. I then mind linked him.

-I don't care if your my mate never threaten my family.-

-Then stop running from me and we wont have a problem- he growled.

-I'm running for your sake.-

He looked confused and mad.

-My sake I can protect myself- he snarled.

- Not from this you can't-

I went behind a tree to shift, while my mom went to go get me some cloths from the back of the car.

She brought over the cloths.

"Vi who is that and why does he want you?"

Her voice was shaking but I don't blame her my mate is a huge wolf.

I sighed "He's my mate mom."

Saying she was shocked was an understatement.

"Excuse me he's your what?!?!"

"My mate mom."

My mate came over to us in only shorts and boy was he hot.

"Miss I'm taking my mate home I don't care what you say she's mine."

No way was my mom going to let him take me.

"Of course she's coming with you just s long as you protect her."

Haha in your face he's not wait What!!! I'm not going with him.

"Mom are you crazy I can't go with him."

She looked happy "yes you are he will protect you no matter what. So you're going Violet."

That's when I looked over at my mate to see him smirking. He came up to me and put me over his shoulder.

" No let me go I'm leaving! No!"

I was yelling at the top of my lungs and punching his back.

He looked back at my mom.

"Just follow me back to my house."

She nodded and he put me on my bike. I only ride my bike I hate riding other people's bike.

But man could get any worse now my mom was on his side. This is going to be fun.

Violet's mom pic on the side.

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