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Hey guys I know its been a while but been super busy with school. I've had wattpad withdraw. Soooooooo hope u like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D. <3

Ummmm.... What did he mean by punished?!?!? I'm not some dog! Okay in a way I am but still I'm a person.

"What's wrong mate? Scared?"

"No but if you don't let me go right now I'm going to beat you!!!" I was screaming so loud I wouldn't be surprises if my mom could hear me. That stupid jerk he thinks he can punish me! You have got to be joking, if he touches me I will rip his hand off

I snarled at him "You are not my alpha, you have no power over me, you will not touch me, there will be no punishment!"

He laughed "I have so much power over you, you have no idea. You are mine, I will do what I want with you."

I knew my eyes were black because my wolf was trying to come out. Part of her wanted to submit, but there was also an alpha side to her, which made her want to fight.

I was growling out every word " I am no ones! I am an alpha!"

He chuckled "well little mate so am I."

That's when he kissed me. It was wonderful and dominant. He wanted me to know he had control, and at that moment I didn't care. I really wanted to punch him but I couldn't my body just didn't want to.

He smirked and pulled back "I told you mate, i can do what i want and your not going to stop me because you want me just as much as I want you."

I just stared at him. He was right I really did want him just as much as he wanted me. I couldn't answer with words its like my mouth was numb so I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down on me. I just stared into his eyes for a couple of seconds then I smashed my lips to his. He growled and grabbed my hips and pulled me up against him. We both fell back on the bed. He pulled back and I saw that his eyes were completely black. I had been careful my whole life but at this moment i just wanted what I wanted. I didn't care if my mom was down the hall she's the one who wouldn't help me when i screamed for her to. I pulled him back on me and kissed him harder. He growled, I really did love that sound. I wish I could let him take me, but I can't. He started to lift up my shirt and that's when I knew it was time to slow down. I pushed his hands back

"Jacob please I barely know you can we please take it slow" my voice came out as a whisper.

I looked into his eyes and they were still black, his wolf still had control over him.

" You are mine I have a right to claim you if I want. You ran from me that shows that you will not listen very well. So it would be better if I claimed you as mine so you won't run away."

I could tell he was just scared I was going to run away from him that's why he was acting this way, but I didn't want to be claimed.

"Please Jacob not now I promise later on." I know he doesn't know I love him but I can't just be claimed I don't even know if I can stay here with all that's going on, I don't want my mate getting hurt."

"Okay little mate not now but you know I can't wait long your mine to claim, and if you run away ever again I swear when I catch you I will claim you then and there" he was now talking more normal his wolf was under control.

"Now about your punishment............"

I know it's been long and it's short but it's late and this is only part one. I'll upload part two tomorrow. Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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