Unknown's Real Identity

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The pocket knife.
I left the pocket knife!
This could be my end, I could get caught.
But I havent heard of Stacy. Hopefully she bled out.
And hopefully the mud from the rainfall covered the knife enough so that the CSI wont find it.
But if I do get caught, the last and only thing I will do is get rid of Stacy.
A/N You can tell by the title, this chapter gonna be gooood! Oh, what's that up there? A different POV? Enjoy..

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
It's been 3 days since the incident, and I'm finally about to go home. I get up, and with the help of Graser I limp torwards my stack of fresh clothes Graser brought for me. "I have to get dressed. Can you call the nurse to help?" I say. "I'll help you, I promise I won't look at your body.. For too long" He smirks and I playfully punch his arm. He helps me take off my shirt, the nurses got me clean underwear and a clean bra, so I dont have to take those off. Im about to put on my shirt when I notice Graser staring.

"Graser, you said you wouldn't stare!" I say, covering my body. "I'm not starring at your body, well I am, but not in a pervert kind of way. Im starring at the wounds and the scars. And.." He says, and trails off. His hands wrap around my waist, where a bandage holding the cotton and bandages on my still fresh stitches. His finger trails the exact spot where the word unknown was written, and slightly stitched up. He shakes his head and frowns, and grabs my favorite white and blue striped long-sleeved shirt. I take off my pants with the help of Graser and put on a pair of dark blue jeans. Graser lifts me up onto the hospital bed, and the moment he grabs my side and puts force, I wince. "Oh, sorry Stace" He apologizes and this time he grabs me from my bottom and lifts me up. "Thanks" I say, and he nods. He helps me with my brown boots, and I look exactly like my Minecraft character. Nice touch Grase. I get off the bed, and the doctor comes in. "Are you ready to go?" The doctor asks. "Y-yeah" I nod, and hold onto Graser. "Ms. Riverstone, may I get a pair of crutches over here?" He calls out into the hall. Moments later, a nurse comes in with crutches and hands them to me. "T-thank you. For everything" I say, putting the crutches in place. "Yes. Please Ms. Hinojosa, take your medicine the minute you wake up and the moment you go to sleep. And, you have an appointment on Thursday 2 weeks from now" The doctor explains. "Y-yeah, okay I will" I say, and Graser rubs my back. "Lets go Stace"

I sit on my bed, looking down at my phone, scrolling through the chat history belonging to Unknown and I. "Hey Stace, uh, I ordered pizza, hopefully you dont mind" Graser says, coming into my room and scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, its alright Graser" I smile at him. "Why are you sad? I mean, yeah about this whole chaos, but, whoever she was, she will get caught. Don't worry" He says, and sits down besides me. "I-it's not that.. What would have happened if I.. If I hadn't moved to Canada. Would she have gone there to.. And, if she had, you would have not been there.. Would she have.. Successfully.. Killed me?" I ask, my eyes filling of tears. "Stacy, Stacy, Stacy, don't think about it too much" He says, hugging me gently. "Okay" I say. "I wont"

-=+=-The Next Day-=+=-
"Stacy, Stacy!" Graser shouts excitedly, running up to my room. "What is it Graser?" I ask from my bed. "The CSI called" He gasped for air. "What?!" I exclaim, sitting up. "They said, t-they said they know who it was! They found fingerprints on the pocket knife!" He says, eyes wide. "Omg Graser!" I say, mouth dropped. "They're on their way. Theyre gonna tell us who it was!" He says. "I told you we would find out who it was." "Yeah" I say, still in shock.

Ding, dong.
The door bell rings, and Graser opens it.
The CSI.
"Hello, welcome" Graser says and they shake hands. I look up, grabbing me crutches and getting up to greet them. "Hello Ms. Hinojosa and Mr. Graser" One of the men says. "Stacy was it?" And at the sight of my nodding he continues. "Well, Stacy, we are glad to see you up and that you are okay" He says, shaking my hand.
She twisted the knife, And laughed unmercefully.
I screamed out in pain, but we were too far away from the city for anyone to hear me.
My tears mixed with the cold rainfall, and I swore I saw a dip of light in the sky. A bright dip of light. "Stop please" I begged. But it didn't do any diffrence.
My eyes got teary. "Y-yeah. Im.. Okay" I say, blanking away the tears. "We have investigated and found out who the responsible one was. Who Unknown is" He says. "We trust you not to tell anyone until the court case, but after then, you're free to talk" He informs us. "So, who was it?" I ask, and both Graser and I suck in our breath.

-=+=-Unknown's POV-=+=-
The pocket knife.
I left the pocket knife!
This could be my end, I could get caught.
But I havent heard of Stacy. Hopefully she bled out.
And hopefully the mud from the rainfall covered the knife enough so that the CSI wont find it.
But if I do get caught, the last and only thing I will do is get rid of Stacy.
I walk, back and forth. I look at my recording set, and again, out the window. I can't belive it. I could be greeted with an army of police officers in any moment.

And then, the sirens.
The loud sirens rise, and I see blue, red and white flashing outside my window.
And the door being knocked down. I hear many feet scurrying into the living room, where I am. A bunch of polife officers, aiming their guns at me. And then, one police officer comes up to me.

"Sydney Kricken, you are under arrest for the homicide of 6 people and attempted murder of Stacy Hinojosa"

A/N OHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Holy shit, that was dramatic! What you thinkin huh? You like? Well then vote and comment! Woohoo shit just went down! Anyway, love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you stay strong!

-From that wolf that's Divergent, was a tribute of the Hunger Games and that is a Tameran with starbolts

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