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Alex's POV:

I woke up with her wrapped in my arms. She gave me the absolute worst boner last night with one little neck kiss. I felt so guilty. Another girl was in my arms and giving me boners while I was still with Lisa. Marina's thumb was caressing my cheek. We were moving. Oh god, we were going to the next venue already? Would they guys wonder where I was? Then I looked into her eyes. That sea blue color was calming.

"Good morning." She said.

"Good morning, little sunshine. How are you?" I asked.

"Good. A little bit tired, though. We stayed up late last night." She said, scooting to get up.

"Wait, don't leave me yet!" I placed my arms around her back.

She came down to cuddle me again. "We shouldn't even be doing this. Those neck kisses last night could qualify as cheating."

That word destroyed me. "Marina, we gotta do something about this. I don't want her anymore. I want you!"

She got up this time. "Alex, it can't be like that. You have to break up with her because you don't want to be with her at all, not because I showed up in the picture. Now what do you want for breakfast?"

"Make me whatever you want. Just make sure it has bacon." I said.

"Kay." She answered, getting out a few things.

I decided to text the guys. I sent a message to our group text. "Hey, I'm on the SBD bus. So I am okay and alive."

Moments later, Zack sent a picture. It was one of Marina and me sleeping on her couch. "We know."

I dialled his number. "Who's seen that?"

"Everyone in the band, that's for sure. And everybody on Marina's bus, obviously." Zack answered.

"Zack, we gotta not tell anybody about that." I said.

"What, so Lisa won't find out that you're cheating on her?" He sounded a bit aggravated.

I sat up. "I am not cheating! We didn't even do anything! We fell asleep like that."

"Her bunk was ten feet away, Alex. There are two couches on that bus. Why you even ended up sitting so close you could touch is beyond me. Regardless of any excuse, you still did it. You still slept together. Face it, Alex. You're cheating." I could hear his arms cross across the line.

"Cheated. Who says I'm keeping it up?" I replied.

"What, have you chosen?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said. "I gotta think some things through."

"Tell me when you do." He hung up.

I set down my phone and covered my eyes.

"What was that about?" Marina asked. Bacon was sizzling in the pan.

"This." I showed her the picture.

"Oh, that's not good." She said.

"My balls are really on the line here." I said.

"I would blame you for putting yourself in that position but I'm in it too."

We kept up with the small talk, and she brought over an egg sandwich to the booth, with a bowl of oatmeal for her.

"God." She put her spoon down. "I'm just so embarassed at myself."

"Why?" I asked with a full mouth.

"Because," She sunk her head. "This is not who I am. I take so much pride in respecting the relationships, no matter how much I like the guy. This is wrong, Alex! What we're doing is wrong!"

"Lisa and I haven't talked in weeks. I'm not even sure we're together anymore." I replied.

"From what I've heard, it's not the first time tour has happened and you've ignored each other but still kept the title for protection." She picked up her spoon again. "Honestly, Alex, she seems to be in it for the same reasons you are. And if that's true, then it's a good thing. And I just stomped on that good thing."

"You don't think she's cheated on me before?" I shouted.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make it okay for you to do it!" She slammed down the spoon again. "Maybe you're not mature enough to be with me anyways!"

"What made you suddenly change your mind, huh?" I kept the tension high.

"If you can't see how wrong this whole thing is, then how am I supposed to trust you? Alex, you found something shiny and new in me. And in a few months, you'll find something else shiny and new! When we don't see each other every day anymore, and I become your Leslie back home, you'll find another Penny. I always glorified her, but I realized, I don't wanna be your Penny!" She said.

"Marina, you don't get it." I took her hands. "You're so much more than any Penny could ever be. You're not just some fun girl I wanna fuck around with; you're a companion. You're my best friend. Lisa, she's just another girlfriend. I don't love her."

"But you did. And you may love me now and change your mind. I'm not ready to put my heart on the line like that." She had calmed like I had.

I realized that I needed to change her mind. Her hands were still in mine. I let go of one and graced her face with my thumb. My hand rested around the side of her neck. I swallowed and bit my lip. She looked so distraught and hurt. With one swift movement, I stood a little and pressed my lips into hers. 

I could feel her neck tense up at first, but then relax. She kissed back, ever so lightly. This kiss had enough energy to make my whole body tingle. I lost track of time in the moment. We sealed it, our lips closing. I stayed still. It was her turn to make the next move. She went back in. Her lower lip sat just below mine. She sucked it just lightly enough. I went in deeper. We sealed it again, this time, feeling complete.

"Will you please just think about it?" I asked. 

She sighed in defeat. "Fine. I will."

I skipped from my side of the booth into hers, wrapping my arms around her and attacking her cheek with kisses. "Now that I've had a taste I only want more."

She giggled and squealed. "C'mon, you goofball. Just finish your breakfast."


Okay. So ever since I wrote the first book, I planned to give Marina and Alex some sort of backstory that would involve them kissing. I had to cut it out when doing the planning for the book (I had a different setting picked out). Yet, when I was writing, it just felt like Alex's last hope. I'm so glad I chose to use it! Question: What is Marina going to do about this? Hopefully I will finish this in a few days. -LoryXD

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