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Marina's POV:

Levi was asleep beside me on the front lounge couch. I loved Alex, but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. Plus, Levi was sweet and funny and easy. Being with him wasn't some passionate craze. It was easy. Last night, we decided we would date. And then we had sex. And may I just say that he was wonderful in bed. A sweetheart in the streets, but a monster in the sheets. 

"Hey." I whispered.

"Mmm." He smiled. "Good morning beautiful."

"You want some breakfast?" I asked.

"Sounds great." He grinned right back.



I was standing out past the buses. The rain was dribbling  on my clear umbrella. I was writing some lyrics on a notepad. Rain was so inspiring. 

I felt the presence of someone else. I turned and saw him. A trainwreck. Alex stood before me, tears in his eyes. Maybe he thought he could hide them through the rain, but I saw right through. He was not opaque.

"Marina, I broke up with Lisa for you yesterday. I wanted to take you to prom and tell you. I wanted you to come home with me." He turned away so I wouldn't see him cry. "I didn't even have you, and I'm still broken. How are you not?"

"C'mere." I called him into my umbrella. "Did you go back to Lisa?"

"Yeah." He sounded defeated. He was inches away from me, hovering over me.

"Alex, I couldn't be with you. I'm sixteen. I did the whole falling in love thing in high school and I don't want that again right now. I'm not ready to put myself on the line and end up feeling the way you're feeling. And it wasn't just me, Alex. It was you too.

"I wanted you to want to fall in love. I wanted you to give up on Lisa. I wanted you to leave her for yourself, not for me. But you running right back when you found out I was taken? It really showed me that I made the right choice. You're not ready for us. You're not ready for that commitment. And that's okay. I still want you. You're still my best friend. I still love you. Just hit me up when you can promise you'll be ready."

"I'm ready now. I want you now." He begged. He moved in closer and rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel it become wet with tears.

"If you were, you never would have called up Lisa. Alex, maybe someday we'll be together." I replied, moving the hair from his forehead.

"You really are my Penny. Sending me off alone." He chuckled, dismissing tears. 

"You'll never be alone. You'll always have part of my heart."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


So, it was really difficult to write the characters not getting together. I wrote Alex and Marina with such great chemistry that writing them apart seems wrong. So wrong. Question: Did you like my little suprise? I loved this book. It was writing them falling in love all over again and stories like that are the most fun in the entire world. I'm sad that I'm finally closing up their past, but also happy that I can finally move on with their future. I guess if someone really wanted I could write some of their early tours, but literally nothing would happen between Alex and Marina. Aight. Until next time. -LoryXD

We Say Summer (Prequel to Oh, Calamity Series)Where stories live. Discover now