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calum stood in his kitchen, it was dull, empty. one cupboard held two plates and a bowl, another cupboard had an array of canned food and snacks, the fridge had off-milk and some old vegetables. one of the drawers had a mismatched cutlery set while the other one held tattered towels and dish cloths. so far he had gone through all these drawers twice, nothing in the second cupboard seemed appealing so calum decided for the fourth night in the row to not have anything for dinner.

he left the kitchen, not needing to be in there any longer, and ignored the loud howl escaping his stomach. he headed straight for his bedroom and opened the door into his closet. the party was in three days, he needed an outfit. he wanted to look good for her. calum never made an effort to get dressed up, he always wore the same clothing, bum pants and a basic shirt, sometimes if he was feeling especially good the shirt would have some sort of print across the front.

nobody ever noticed calums appearance, not his dark brown hair that sat on top of his light caramel skin or his large dark brown eyes and the crinkles above his untamed eyebrows. nobody ever took in the little details of calums appearance. nobody ever complimented him when he sometimes wore jeans instead of bumpants, or when he brushed his hair to the right instead of the left. calum didn't mind though. he was a loner.

loner. calum hood. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now