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calum left school right after the final bell and arrived home twenty minutes later. he entered his room and stood in front of the cracked mirror. he scowled at his appearance, he looked malnourished and lanky, no muscle. his hair was a mess and far too long for a boy and his eyes were hollow and he had bags under his eyes. no wonder she never talked to him. that would change tonight though, it had too.

he nodded at his reflection and wandered into his kitchen, pulling a can of beans from the top cupboard and a saucepan from the bottom. her poured the contents of the can into the pan and placed it over the gas flame escaping the stovetop. he watched silently as the sauce began to bubble as the beans cooked. when he thought they were ready he took them off the heat and grabbed a spoon, taking the saucepan into his room where he sat on his bed eating. he watched himself eat through the mirror, he could see a small amount of life fill his eyes and he felt a lot more full.

when calum finished he chucked the dirty dishes on his floor and picked up his outfit for the party from on top of his dresser, he took them into the bathroom and placed them on the toilet seat before turning on the water. the lukewarm water trickled out for a bit before spluttering over calums body as he scrubbed at his skin and poured shampoo through his hair. it reminded him of when he mother washed his hair as a boy. he wished she was still here. but she wasn't. he was a loner.

loner. calum hood. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now