Chapter One

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An agent is difficult to be. In this world of mystery you sometimes forget who you can trust, what powder is explosive, who's the enemy, the strategy if theres an unseen kink, even yourself under all of the different covers you put on. But you never forget the strings on every limb of yourself pulled by someone else.

"Hey Sam." Leo says sitting across from me. "It looks like you're thinking up a storm there. Calm down, Debriefing isn't a week from now." He says calmly.

"Leo we're the Agnecy, not FBI, CSI, CIA or NSA. When they need someone, they call us." I say as I take a spoonful of soup. "We can have a Debriefing in two seconds."

"So you're saying you don't want to get off your butt for America?" He says with a smirk. He says it like that only because he's worried about me, not mad.

I stop looking at the table and look at him. "You know I hate you."

"No. No you don't." He says squinting at me. He doesn't like it when I say things like that, even when he knows I'm joking.

"I'm sorry." I say sincerely, going back to my soup.

"I've heard that so many times, but from you is when it matters." He says stalely taking a bite of bread. That's how he always was. Leo cared, I knew that for sure. He just never showed it. He's been in the Agency too long to show emotion. "I've heard, 'I hate you!' from practically everyone I've pulled a trigger on, some agents, and even my own parents." He says emotionless.

"Leo." I say softly. I reach for his hand.

"Why does it only matter when you say it?" He says to himself in a whisper so quiet I almost miss it. It was the tone that surprised me most of all though. It was like he was about to cry. It's the voice that's as light as a feather and breaks easily.

"Leo." I say again. "I can't hate you."

He gets up and grabs his tray, "Never mind. Training is about to start." He says with those black eyes. They're emotionless. His mouth is held in the position of indifference.

I suck in a breath. He's never like this with me. He's always more... Open. His eyes show the slightest bit of reduction because his mouth is always in the smallest sliver of a smile. No one notices this but me though. I notice it's absence hurts just as much as its presence pleases.

He must see a shift in me as his whole face seems to slump down. His eyes reduce, but from him holding eyes of worry. His mouth tilts down and opens just a bit. His whole emotion shows sadness.

"Never mind." He says with a sad smile. He then takes my hand.

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