Chapter Fourteen

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Alrighty Spring Break is on so I'm going to compensate for all those lost chapters.

As I sat in my Changing Room waiting for Leo I realized he wasn't going to come because he always comes when there's at least thirty minutes left. There's only ten. "Leo," I whisper angrily as I check my watch. I decide there's no use in staying here so I just go to my Dorm. I lay on my bed with my arm over my forehead with the bed still made neatly under me.

I walk Dominic around to the Field after a few days, deciding to give him a break from all the new information and just letting him settle. Besides he doesn't have to go to the Field or the School Hall for another week. The Field is outside the main Training Room but it's still indoors. It's divided into three huge rooms. In the center is Platforms where a bunch of different platforms stagger in different formations all the time. This is for agents to practice their parkour and gymnastics. To the left of this room is the Obstacle Course where agents run laps while the course changes to swing a pendulum or stagger a hurdle at them. Sometimes agents have to run this course while carrying another agent to simulate an Escort or Rescue Mission. Finally there is the Gym. The Gym is just a gym to keep all agents healthy and able. There's a track that wraps around the main facitlity that has all the equipment.

I finish his tour by walking him to the School Hall that we go to everyday except on Exceptions. There are only two rooms on either wall. One houses Science and Math while the other specializes in History and English. This is to give agents the education they lost. It's also used to aid in Training and to ensure that agents aren't all brawn.

"Hey Sam?" Dominic asks as I finish up.


"I-I," He stutters. "nothing."

"It's a lot, huh?" I say looking around the hall. Dominic nods. "It'll get easier, I promise." I tell him with a smile. "Just follow my lead and everything will be fine." He smiles at that. I begin to walk to the Cafeteria with him tailing me. That's when my Transmitter begins to beep. I answer the call.

"Debriefing." is all Leo mutters and he hangs up. I take in a deep breath. After holding it I let it out. I walk outside the hall and begin to go to the front of HQ.

"It's about to get a whole lot harder though." I say under my breath. I turn back to Dominic. "You're gonna have to take lunch by yourself ok?" I tell Dominic as I quickly walk away from him. "Sorry it's just that something really important came up." I tell him as I leave fast enough that I don't even see his reaction.

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