Chapter Eight

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"Hi." Dominic says with a small smile. He sits across from Leo and me.

"You have an assigned table." Leo says simply as he takes another bite of his sandwich.

"I'm sorry I'll go." Dominic says grabbing his tray and and getting up.

"No." I say standing up. "Dominic you can stay." I say as he looks back at me. I pull a smile and he smiles back.

"It's fine your boyfriend doesn't want me too." I widen my eyes.

"Oh he's not boyfriend." I say shyly looking at the ground. This question has been asked so many times but I still feel blood rush up to my cheeks every time I'm asked.

I sit back down. "You can sit with us." I say smiling at him. He hesitantly sits accross from both me and Leo at the semi-circle shaped table on the curved end.

"I'm Dominic." He states as he outstretches a hand to Leo.

"Agent L." Leo says plainly, not taking his hand. I nudge him under the table and give him a glare.

"Sam he's gonna get in trouble." He whispers harshly into my ear, explaining his rudeness to Dominic.

"No, he asked to be assigned to this table on the tour." I tell him.

He squints at me, "Why this table?"

"I told him I sat here." He takes in a breath. I look at Dominic and he quickly looks down, as if he didn't watch Leo and me glare at each other and mutter angry things.

"Look if I can't sit here it's ok. I'm sure Sam can change my table number." He says shyly taking a bite of bread.

Leo grabs me at the elbow and I let out a little whimper at how much his grip hurts, "You told him your name?" He hisses. Usually Plugs, the people responsible for Charges, don't tell their Charges their names because most Plugs are disgusted by their Charges. Before I can reply though Dominic steps in.

"Hey I think you're hurting her." Dominic says firmly. I look at him and see a slight glare forming. Leo looks at him and glares. He then looks back at me and sees what his grip is doing. He lets go immediately and his face softens.

"I'm sorry." He says going back to his pasta.

"You ok?" Dominic asks softly from across the table. I see him look concerned.

"Yeah. Thanks." I tell him, rubbing my arm under the table.

I look over to Leo and see him look at the center of the table with the same mask of indifference that doesn't have a shred of happiness on it.

I grab his hand under the table and give it a squeeze. He looks at me surprised. He then looks down again, "Look I'm really sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you.".

"You're fine. We're even now, ok?" I tell him smiling. He smiles back.

"You're gonna owe me after I fulfill my promise, though." He says with a smile. He then looks a at his watch. "Time." He says. He picks up my tray along with his.

"What's 'time'?" Dominic questions.

"Time to get ready for Training. Here walk with us to the Changing Rooms." I tell him. I look at Leo and grab my tray from him. Dominic and Leo take either side of me. We go to the Incinerators and throw away all our stuff. We begin walking to the Changing Rooms.

"I'm gonna go ahead of you guys, ok?" Leo says. He's at room forty so his room is farther down than ours. I wave at him.

"You sure you're ok? He seemed to hurt you a lot back there." Dominic asks.

"I'm fine." I say sincerely. He looks concerned for me. "Hey Leo is my best friend, he didn't mean to do what he did back there." I hear him grumble something beside me. "Hmm?" I question.

"Nothing." He then scans the door for his Changing Room, in a seemingly bad mood.

"Dominic?" I ask. He looks up. "Training clothes are in the bottom, middle locker, ok?" I see him nod, he then walks into his room, seeming mad.

I walk a little further and think about what I did to agrivate him. As I come up with nothing I change into my Training Clothes which is a tank top that changes to dark grey at the top quarter of the shirt from black. I finally get to change out of my combat boots into black tennis shoes.

I come out of my Changing Room to see Leo. I catch up with him and take his side. "Hi." I tell him.

"That Dominic kid, I don't like him." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask as he scans the door to come out of the Changing Rooms' corridor.

"There's just-I just don't like him." He states plainly.

We both walk to the Training door in silence. We scan our Transmitters at a screen called the Port that's just to the left of the door. The Port gives us our training schedule. Mine being:

Training One- 13:30 to 15:30- Edibility

Training Two- 15:35 to 17:05- Explosives

Training Three- 17:10 to 18:10- Rope Tying

Training Four- 18:15 to 18:55- Language

Training Five- 19:00 to 19:30- Projectiles

I leave to the many halls of Training as I realize I haven't showed Dominic around here yet. I know I'm on a strict schedule but I remember how overwhelming the Training room was and I don't wish the panic attack I had that day on anyone. I remember the three black sections I saw in the already black room. I saw the three different words etched onto each section and the unfamiliar Port. My mouth gaped open and hung there at the entrance. Another agent then shoved me out of the way and told me, "Hey don't block the door." in such a stern voice I swallowed and walked out of his way. He then scanned his transmitter at the screen and I did the same. A schedule popped up but I didn't know what to do with it. I check the time as I snap back to reality and see that it's thirteen fifteen. Right as I check the door Dominic enters. I see him widen his eyes as he takes in the whole room.

"Dominic." I say softly from the other side of the Port. He walks over to me, still in shock from the room. "I know it's a lot to take in but I'm gonna help." I see him instantly let out a breath he's been holding. "First scan your Transmitter at the Port." I tell him pointing to the screen. I look at his schedule and see Projectiles, Basics, Melee, Mental Stability and Language in that order. "I have to say this really fast, ok?" I see him nod and his eyes widen again. "Projectiles and Melee are in this hall." I tell him pointing to the center hall marked COMBAT in silver, as all the other print in the Training room. "Basics is in that hall." I tell him as I point to the hall to my left marked SURVIVAL. "Finally Mental Stability and Language are in the last hall on the right." I point to the rightmost hall marked UNDERCOVER. "If you go down the right halls there are the names of each class on the top of each door straight off your schedule." I see him nodding and muttering to himself which hall leads to which class. "Good luck Dominic." I say as I hurry over to the section labeled SURVIVAL and hoping I could've done so much more for Dominic than I just did.

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