Chapter Four

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"Anyway everything you need is already here. A spare change of clothes is already there and some basic needs." I say gesturing to the lockers. "Your bathroom is behind the mirror. That's also where you go in a Code Red." I tell him. He nods, but this nod is different. It isn't too quick. He's beginning to open up.

I lead him to the end of the corridor. I ready my Transmitter to open a door and then think of something. "Hey every door is locked here, why don't you scan your Transmitter one more time. Just to get the hang of it?" I ask. He looks at me with a smile and a small chuckle. He then scans his Transmitter and lets me into the elevator first. "Thanks."

"No problem." He states easily. We are lead to yet another corridor. The walls and doors look exactly the same. "Are you sure we left?" He asks. I giggle and begin walking.

"Your Changing Room number and Dorm number are the same. And actually the plates on dorms are gold and the plates on Changing Rooms are silver." I say. I look at his folder again. His room number is 24.

"Hey your room isn't that far from mine!" I say a little giddy. That gets a little chuckle from him. "Anyway." I say continuing to walk to his room. I find 24 etched onto a gold plate on a door. "Here it is." I tell him. He scans his Transmitter and I lean on the door frame, looking into his room, unlike last time. He then looks at me as if to ask why I'm not going in with him. I just shake my head no. He rolls his eyes and takes my hand to drag me into his room. "Dominic!" I exclaim. I see him smile then he looks at the room.

All dorms stay the same. It's a security thing. The blue bed that's just half a queen sized bed stays consistent. The light pine of the bed frame is never a variable. One nightstand on the left of the bed that has a generic lamp and one drawer with an empty space for whatever is a constant. All of this on the left wall. The right wall only has an armoire that 's made of slightly lighter wood then the doors we use, with a mirror inside one of its doors. That armoire never changes.

The wall right in front of Dominic and me is all double sided glass so we can see what's going on but everyone on the other side can't. Every agent is glad they have this to count on at the end of the day. That window is all we get of outside because agents don't get a lot of free time outside of HQ.

To me the view is enough. The view I get is of the cityscape which looks beautiful all lit up at night. I feel jealous of Dominic though. His view is of the sunset with the coast.

"You better not take this view for granted." I say walking to the wall of glass. He chuckles.

"Well then you're welcome here anytime. Just please knock before you come in." I chuckle as he twists my words.

"Maybe I won't take up that offer." I say looking back to the sunset.

"Maybe you will take up that offer." He says joining me and smiling at the sunset.

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