Chapter Eleven

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I begin a checklist in my head.

There's three red sticks. They all have wires. All those wires connect to a timer. The timer is strapped onto the center of the sticks.

I look at Agent Q, desperately, to see if she knows anything about this bomb. Her wide eyes and shock tell me she doesn't kow how to defuse this thing, or she's too concentrated on being scared to defuse it.

"You can't do this Ms. Clad!" A boy from the back firmly says.

"There's nine bombs in here!" A scared girl announces.

"You're going to loose eighteen agents." Someone states.

I look at Clad. "Well then you all oughta defuse your bombs." She then walks out of the room. A girl sitting closest to the door runs after the door as it closes.

"It's locked." She says shocked, to everyone's horror.

"Then we gotta disarm the bombs in front of us." A boy says in the back, inspecting the bomb.

"Where does Clad keep those damn gloves." Another guy says, Agent J. He rummages through her desk. "Ayo R," He says as he throws a pair of pliers to the boy who's inspecting his bomb in the back, even though three other agents react to his saying, "R".

"Thanks." He says.

"S." He says. No one else reacts to that one letter but me, everyone knows the second most elite agent is being talked to. He throws me a pair of scissors and gloves. "All the gloves are here. Get your asses up and start defusing. If even just one bomb is still standing we all die." He states firmly. He begins walking back to his desk next to ours. Q runs to the front to get gloves, leaving me alone.  The whole room then begins to buzz with chatter.

"Agent S," The boy who was at the front of the room states to me, grabbing the top half of my arm harshly, "We are counting on you." He then releases his iron grip on me. I swallow at his words. All of these agents are looking at me as if I'm their last hope, not just him. I look at the bomb in front of me and walk around the desk to get a 360 view of the explosive.

"Got any ideas?" Q asks, putting on the leather gloves.

"Nope. The bomb is somewhat common though." I say, curiosity flooding my voice. That doesn't matter though. Bombs can all look the same but be different in their own way, every single damn time.

"We have two minutes and we know we have to cut a wire, let's spend the time evenly among each wire." She says almost touching the bomb.

"Don't touch the bomb!" I say urgently. "It can be movement activated." I tell her. She widens her eyes and gives me a nod, as if an apology. I don't have time for apologies though. I do another 360 of the bomb. My hands begin to sweat in my gloves.

"I vote on the blue wire." Q exclaims.

"Why?" I ask not in a mean way, but as a question.

"Be-because," She stutters. "It's always blue or red...," She says shyly, looking at the ground.

I let out a sigh. We keep looking at everything. At the one minute mark someone exclaims, "We defused our bomb!" Everyone look at the table in the very center with two guys high fiving each other.

"Great, now can you help the rest of us?" J asks in a snarky tone right next to me. I look at him and he looks at me as he says, "We have no time for messing around." even though it was directed to the whole room. I look at the bomb and swallow.

"Th-thirty seconds," I say to Q. She takes in a shaky breath and I see a tear slip from each of her eyes. "Q," I say putting a hand on her shoulder. "I-it'll be okay." I say, trying my best to sound convincing but my stutter gives away my cheap lie.

I hear metal clashing to the ground. The reverberating sound of metal rings through the whole room, silencing it. Everyone looks at the source of the sound. Someone has thrown their pliers on the ground. "We should all give up."






Are we really that disposable?


No matter how bad our pasts we're still people.




I close my eyes and tell myself I'm an agent, this was gonna happen, why not now?

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