Chapter Two

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"Leo," I told him as he dumped out our trays at the Incinerators. They were basically garbage cans but with a pit of fire on the bottom to catch your food rather than a garbage bag. "Where are we going?" I asked as he dragged me away from the training room. Agents were starting to look at us weirdly. They knew we had to go to training, we had to stick to the program.

Leo hasn't said a word. He then drags me to the front of HQ. He keeps walking me over at a fast pace to the front desk where a woman in a pantsuit with her hair in a high blonde bun greets us.

"What are you doing here?" She asks firmly. She glares at us and slams her paper work in manila envelopes on the desk behind the counter. "Training starts in less than five minutes." She says annoyed.

"Miss Cassidy Agent Sam Kingsley and Agent Leo Revenough-" Leo gets cut off.

"Yes, yes. I know who you are. As some of the best agents in the system I'm surprised your breaking conduct." She says going back to her paperwork and shooing us. After she sees we haven't left she looks at us sternly. "Get to training." She says sternly with a glare.

"I have a-" Leo gets cut off when someone walks from behind her and into our side of the counter. He's dressed in agent atire, but I've never seen him before.

I observe him. He plays with the end of his glove at his wrist. He wrings where the glove meets the wrist. He looks nervous.

"I-" he begins. He then just realizes we're here, Leo and me. "I'm sorry." He says going back to the back of the front desk. Miss Cassidy sucks in a breath.

"No. Stay." She says firmly, but not angrily like she did with us. He begins to turn from the side of the desk where he was going to go to the room behind the front desk to us. He glances at both Leo and I. His eyes then squint at me. He swallows and looks down. "Agent S meet your new Charge, Agent D." She says gesturing to the strange boy.

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