21 Facts About GF

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1- Ford's existence was planned from the very beginning of the series, however the large number of fans that correctly guessed and theorized about his existence influenced the timing of his appearance.

2- Stan's license in Episode 2 has the wrong name on it.
Was this foreshadowing? (Definitely)

3- Mcgucket's character who used to work on personal computer's in his garage is a reference to Steve Jobs who invented Apple Computers, in, you guessed it, his garage.

4- Some characters like Dipper and Mable only have 4 fingers, other characters have 5 such as Guideon and Stan.

5- The actor that does the voice of Dipper, i forgot his name, is kept in the dark about the show's secrets because Hirsh realized that he was a bit of a blabber mouth.

6- Alex was obsessed with conspiracies from a young age.

7- Gravity Falls exists in the same universe as Rick and Morty.

8- We will never see Aliens on Gravity Falls.

9- 1 episode of Gravity Falls takes almost a year to produce.

10- Dipper is based on Alex as a kid.

11- Dipper in a lamb costume singing that cute song, which he seems to think is embarrassing is actually based on one of the writer's childhoods. When his parents would leave the house, his sister would make him wear the costume and prance around the house in it.

12- Hirsh's first love was the Simpsons.
This just makes me
Love Hirsh more because the Simpsons is EPIC !

13- Dipper and Mable's allergies act up at the same time.

14- The first character Alex Hirsh drew is Super Paper Bag man! This was when he was a child.

15- When he pitched the show to Disney, Ales Hirsh said the thing he was most excited about was making fun of his sister for 20 episodes a year. ( Mable is based on Alex's real life twin sister Ariel, who also wears turtle-necks.)

16- Ford has 12 PhDs.

17- Other than a few computer generated vehicles, Gravity falls is entirely Hand-drawn.

18- R.L Stine is a Gravity Falls fan.

19- Alex Hirsh directed the pilot for Fish Hooks.

20- Hirsh said that a 288 volume of the Journals will be released with more mysteries about the town and Bill Cipher.

21- Hirsh already planned everything for the show, they already know the source of the magic in the town, but us ? Well we'll need to wait for Weirdmagaddon part 3.

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