The Curduroy Mom

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The Curduroy Mom

So we all wonder about Wendy's mom , where is she ? Why is she never around ? Why is she never mentioned ?

Is she dead ? Did she leave her family ? Is she that weird guy always encouraging manly dan to "get'em get'em " ?

Those are all good questions and everyone in Gravity Falls has secrets , remember what the journal said : TRUST NO ONE !

So , i have this theory about who is the Curduroy mother , but it's VEEEERY FAR-FETCHED , and UNREALISTIC , AND WEIRD , AND PERVERTED AND JUST PLAIN SICK , so the probabilities of it being true are 0/100 because this us after all a Disney show .

So here it goes , are you all ready to hate me ?

What if Wendy IS the mother ?

If it wasn't a Disney show it would be very possible .

Everyone in Gravity Falls has secrets , no one can be trusted . We shouldn't exclude Manly Dan of this .

Let's say , he had a girlfriend or a wife , and they had a daughter . Wendy of course . And then the girlfriend/wife left him for some reason .

As you may have noticed , Manly Dan isn't the sharpest person in the world and he likes feeling strong and powerful and with him was a very young and weak Wendy .

You know where i'm getting at right ?

I think that Manly Dan raped Wendy , and the kids that are supposed to be her brothers are actually her kids .

Think about it , she 's the oldest out of the children , and they all have the same traits of their dad . Genetically speaking such similarities are more possible with similar genes .
Why do you think it's not ok to marry your cousin even in religions that allow that ? Because if the two are related and there's some sort of disease or something that runs in the family , the similar genes will make it more likely that their child will have the disease ? Same works for genes that decide appearance .

In the episode " The society of The Blind Eye" Wendy confesses to being stressed out 24/7 , she's a teenager , why would teenagers be stressed out in summer vacation ? No school , no grades , no studying . She has good friends , most people like her , so what is so stressing about her life ?
Out of all the kids , she's the only one never seen doing activities with her dad or cheering for him . Why ? Cause she hates him ..

In the shot they take of The Curduroy family all sitting together on a couch , Wendy is the one sitting right next to Dan , such as parents would do , of course there's the possibility that they sat by age order but yea ...

In the same shot , they are all wearing red . I know it's some sort of lumberjack thing but why did it have to be red ? Why not green or blue ? What if the color had a meaning ?
Red is the color of blood , what if manly Dan killed his wife ?
Or there was a murderer somewhere in the family history .

Now let's talk about Wendy's boots, they are always wet . Some people say that means she's a mermaid .

But what if the stuff on her boots is actually stains from when her water broke , that must've happened at least three times , and as i said before , her family is probably poor so she couldn't afford new ones , or maybe she kept it that way to remember that she survived all the pain she went through .

Her being poor is also an explanation for why they can't get a maid and so she had to pick up after her "brothers" .

Wendy also has to work , like a parent and make a living .

So like i said , my theory is very far-fetched but it's a theory and yea .. Well tell me what you think in the comments ! And please don't hate me !!!

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