Advice To All The Bros Out There

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Girls don't want to break up with guys. If a girl breaks up with you, it means you messed up with her. Badly. If a girl breaks up with you, it means that she has given it a lot of thought. She didn't just decide that she liked someone else, if she breaks up with you and immediately goes out with someone else, there are only two reasons.

Reason 1: She never liked you in the first place. A girl probably went out with you because she bet her friend, or she feels lonely, maybe you're the rebound. Either way, she didn't go out with you because she thought it could work. In fact, she probably thought it was doomed from the start.

Reason 2: You did something wrong. She might be really into you, so much she would tell you she loved you every night. But, something happened. You flirted with another girl, maybe even cheated. Or, you ignored her for practically a full week. Maybe you wouldn't kiss her anymore, or hug her, or any physical charm of any kind. But you did something that hurt her so much, she couldn't do it anymore. So she moved onto a rebound.

Now I'm not saying it's always the guys fault. No, I'm saying this is one of the reasons a girl would break up with the guy and date someone else ten seconds later.

Guys may think that we're complicated bundles of hormones, which we are, but when it comes to relationships, we're actually quite simple.

We want to be loved. We want someone to tell us we're important, that we matter more than any other girl. We want attention, and kindness. If a guy can't fulfill any of these things, we start to contemplate whether we want them in our lives or not.


Quick authors note:

Hey Guys! So I'm sorry if this doesn't actually fit anything that you may feel, if you're against it. I just wanted to say I went through a boyfriend problem today and this was what I was thinking. I just needed to jot it down to let it out. If you are completely against this, I am sorry but that's just the way I feel right now.

Trust me when I say that I don't think girls are always innocent. Sometimes there are no reasons at all to why they break up. Okay I'm ranting. I'm gonna go now...

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