What Is Love About?

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I think it's about wanting to see each other every day, wanting to show each other things that we saw through out the day that made us think of one another. I think it's about wanting physical contact every time we see each other. Not even in a romantic way, like brushing a shoulder by a shoulder, or moving a leg so it rests on theirs.

I think it's about the long talks about nothing at three in the morning. It's about telling each other everything and the other person being interested. Maybe they weren't interesting stories, but they meant something to us.

I think it's about understanding. Understanding that you can't see each other all the time. Understanding that you need a chance to hang out with friends and other people that are important to you. Understanding that sometimes moving on is the best. Understanding someone isn't happy anymore. Understanding that both of you may be in love with the other, but being together would be like setting a butterfly to a flame.

I think love is about letting the other be happy no matter what it does to you. Putting them before you and accepting that you could never work. It could never happen.

Sometimes people are so deeply in love that they don't see what it's doing to them. So you have to be the one who let's them out.

Excerpt From A Book I'll Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now