Fall in Love With Someone who Loves You

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I'm right here looking at you
Why can't you see me?
You complain about how terrible she is
How much she makes you unhappy
You say she doesn't understand.
I do.

Baby look my way, I'm here, I care
Don't you see how much I love you?
Can't you tell how far I've fallen for you?

Why am I invisible to you?
Why can't you see me?
Leave that girl, the one who makes you feel terrible
And come to me.
I'll make you feel like you're the only important person in the world

Why is it people always pick the ones that are bad for them?
You're bad for me, she's bad for you,
It's an endless cycle we've been going through

Authors note:

So this is new. I don't usually write poems but I thought I'd give it a shot! Sorry I haven't posted, I've had a bad case of writers block ☺

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