Chapter 2) Confusion

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Ivypaw breaks through the camp entrance, her heart racing. She stops and shakes her head, I can't let them see me like this, she thought. She dropped her muzzle to the ground and turned away, heading back into the woods.

"I'm going out to get some catmint, leaf-bare is coming" Jayfeather meowed to Brightheart.

"Can you check on Cinderheart, she's been coughing so much." he meowed, his tone laced in worry.

Brightheart nodded and padded away.

Ivypaw sat stunned at the entrance, he's coming this way! she thought, move!

Jayfeather stumbled into her, "Ivypaw! What are you doing stupid furball!?" he snapped, "You knew I was coming so why didn't you move?"

He went silent, his eyes clouding, after what felt like a moon he shook his head and stared at her through unseeing eyes, like she'd grown wings.

Ivypaw turned away "Why are you...'looking' at me like that?" She meowed, embarrassed she couldn't find a better word.

Jayfeather flicked his ears, "No reason" he muttered, walking away.

Anger flared in Ivypaw, she stood in front of Jayfeather, her hackles raised.

"Don't tell me that! You're acting weird, why did you look at me like that!?" she growled through clenched teeth.

Jayfeather narrowed his eyes, and let out a low growl, "You're not a warrior yet, so don't boss me around!" He snapped.

Ivypaw took a step back, "You're not a warrior, you are a medicine cat, so I can boss you around." She snarled, her eyes blazing.

He's hiding something from me, she thought, and I'm going to find out what.

Jayfeather swiped his claws across her muzzle, "YOU DON'T TALK TO YOUR ELDERS LIKE THAT" He growled, then stalked away, muttering about manners.

Ivypaw looks at her paws, what have I done, she thought, I'm a monster.

The end of chapter 2, Jayfeather was looking into her thoughts, by the way lol. Please vote and comment to tell me what you think! Thank you for taking time from your life and reading this lol

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