Chapter 10

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Ivypool's heart cracked some more. She drew in a shaky breath before she could respond. "You already said that." She hissed angrily, her claws unsheathing.

Jayfeather flicked the tip of his tail. "That doesn't mean-" he broke off as he turned his head back to lock eyes with her, she felt like he could truly see her and wondered if he could at the moment.

He shook his head. "Before you ask, no I can't see you I can just judge where you are based on the noise you're making." He shuffled his paws.

"That doesn't mean that I don't want to be your mate." He meowed. "That doesn't mean that I don't like you the same way you like me."

Ivypool's ears flattened against her head and surprise and she stumbled back a few paces, her paw stepping on a stick and snapping it. A squirrel raced across the ground with an angry looking Cinderheart right behind.

"I was this close to catching that!" She meowed in annoyance, her tail lashing as she stared at the pretty tabby. "We need all the food we can get before leafbare."

Cinderheart paused as she noticed Ivypool's position. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you." She mewed softly as she stepped forward calmly towards the tabby.

Ivypool forced her fur flat and stood up straight. "I'm fine-"

Jayfeather cut in "I was talking to Ivypool, leave now you're interrupting us." He turned his icy glare on Cinderheart.

Cinderheart narrowed her eyes before slowly backing away and heading out to find more prey.

Ivypool stares at Jayfeather and waited for him to speak but instead he just flicked his tail and headed off in a different direction. Before long they were at the entrance to a tunnel and he lead her inside.

Ivypool looked at him in confusion though she followed close behind. "What are we doing here?" She asked quietly, the large and empty space scared her.

Jayfeather glanced in her direction and patted the side beside him with his tail, his blue sightless gaze gave Ivypool butterflies. She padded up to his side and sat down beside him.

Jayfeather leaned very slightly against Ivypool as her heart raced and she moved her face under his chin, afraid of being rejected but eager to feel his warmth.

Jayfeather nuzzled the top of her head and curled his tail around her body. "I love you." He murmured as her rubbed his cheek against her.

Ivypool shuffled closer and smiled as her heart began racing. "I love you too. I wish we could be together." She mewed.

Jayfeather licked the top of her head. "You can't think like that or you'll be hurt. You have to let go of the want of anything between us."

Ivypool flicked her tail in annoyance. "Then why are you trying to be so close right now?" She muttered questionably.

Jayfeather closed just eyes and laid down. "Because I wanted to feel close to you at least once." Ivypool settled down into his belly and closed her eyes, both cats fell into a deep sleep.

(I haven't read warrior cats in like a year so I can't remember how things go that much but I hope this is good enough. I'll reread warriors then redo this 🤍)

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