Chapter 3) Consequences

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Ivypaw blinked after Jayfeather and dashed up to him.

"J-Jayfeather?" She murmured.

Jayfeather's eyes flashed when he turned his head to face her. She saw anxiety in his eyes. She looked at her paws and her heartbeat in her ears.

"I'm sorry" She mewed simply.

She turned around and tears filled her eyes, she stalked out of camp and tried not to burst into tears.

"Ivypaw." Jayfeather meowed from right behind her.

She turned around to look at him, his eyes glittered in understanding.

"I know how it feels to lose someone you love." He murmured.

Ivypaw let silent tears fall down her face. The air suddenly felt hot and stiff, sweat trickled down her pelt.

The heat smothered her breath and she heard a laugh behind her. She turned around and saw Hawkfrost, his eyes flashed in amusement.

"Love?" He growled thrusting his muzzle in her face so their noses were touching.

"I can't believe you actually thought I liked you back" regret flashed in his eyes for a second before he sneered.

He narrowed his eyes to slits.

"You mean NOTHING to me" He hissed with a smirk on his face.

Ivypaw felt like someone had latched their teeth on her throat, slowly dying. Her eyes widened and she staggered backwards into Jayfeather.

"In fact, I'll kill you myself right now if you don't come back for training." He snarled.

His words pierced her heart and she tried to focus on standing. She crouched, ready to leap on him and attack.

She soared through the air and her claws grazed his sides. Hawkfrost turned spitting at her and when Ivypaw landed, Hawkfrost pushed her muzzle into the dirt.

"Wrong choice kit" He spat.

Ivypaw squirmed under his weight but he held her firmly against the ground.

His claws dug into her back with every movement she made. She wailed in agony as she felt her shoulder twist at an awkward angle.

Jayfeather couldn't see but he tried his best to claw at the dark tabby tom with ice blue eyes.

Hawkfrost threw Jayfeather aside like a rag doll and he landed with a thump, losing consciousness.

Ivypaw tasted the soil filling her mouth and she slowly lost her senses, she felt warm sticky blood bubbling from her pelt.

When blackness clouded her vision, the weight shifted and she was on her back staring into eyes as blue as ice. He gave her a menacing smile and put an unsheathed paw against her throat.

She squeezed her eyes shut and waited to become weightless and join StarClan.

Hawkfrost snarled in her face and her eyes flew open when he bit down on her tail.

"Stare death in the face!" He growled.

She gave up on holding in the tears and began crying with all the emotions she'd ever had.

"Please Hawkfrost, I love you" She whimpered, his eyes glazed over and his grip slightly loosened.

She shot up and stood in front of him. She couldn't bring herself to run away and leave him like this. She pushed her muzzle into his fur and pressed her body against his for warmth. He blinked down at her and licked her ears.

"I'm sorry" He meowed pressing against her.

She breathed in his sweet scent and closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. A growl interrupted them and she turned to see Tigerstar sneering at them.

She turned and her tail fluffed up like a squirrel, her fur spiked up making her look twice her size.

Blood dripped from her pelt and she saw a puddle red sticky liquid where she was just lying.

She felt weak but she held her ground even though her vision was blurry.

Tigerstar smirked and leaped into the air landing on Ivypaw.

"Bye-Bye kit!" He snarled.

His lips curled back to show off his sharp menacing teeth. He lunged for her and she felt sharp pressure on her throat. She struggled to breathe and the world slowly faded.

The pressure released and she heard a snicker as her senses faded. She felt the blood pooling around her and she could hardly breathe.

She fell limp to her side and couldn't move even when she felt paws prodding at her side.

Hawkfrost's worried meow carried into her ears, "Ivypaw?"

Before she was pulled into the darkness, she heard a yowl of fury and Tigerstar grunting in pain.

The world went black and she felt no pain.

That's the end of chapter 3! Comment and vote on it please if you liked it! What will happen next? Is Ivypaw dead? What about the other cats? Why didn't they come to her aid? find out in the next chapter! Tell me if I should continue this or give up please! I don't want to waste my time on something no one is going to read. I love you guys so much! I love writing stories so please tell me what you think!

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