Part 4

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Aysia's P.O.V.

I woke up in the hospital.

I felt numb and all I could see were bruises all over my arms .

I'm glad I know who tf I am at least.

My nurse walked in.

"Awww Goodmorning Sweetheart. Are you okay ? Those most of been some stairs you fell down." She said .

Yeah ... Stairs .

I opened my mouth to speak but it felt strained .

It's probably all the yelling I did last night .

"Aww I'll go get you some tea." She said . I just nodded and she walked out .

Carter POV

"Wake up baby" a sleepy voice said
I woke up to Dru in just a bra and panties

"What time is it ?" I asked stretching

"It's 8:27am, I have to go catch the bus for work" she replied as she was putting a black polo shirt that said Taco Bell.

"Oh, I'll take you. I don't have no place to be anyways"

"Thanks baby" she said crawling on the bed to give me a kiss

We got in the car and I reached back to grab my phone. It was shut off so I plugged it into the car charger

"Since you have nothing to do today how bout u pick me up around 5?"

"Sure" I said , then she kissed me goodbye

I heard my phone rapidly vibrate. When I looked i had 6missed calls and 10unread messages all from Aysia..

Then something that caught my eye .

2 Missed Calls for Halifax Hospital .

Damn... I felt my stomach turn
I sped off rushing to the hospital
All I can think of was the worst
What if I'm to late, what if she didn't make it.
Tears started running down my face
I got so caught with Dru I completely forgot about Aysia

"Aysia Santiago" I said to the nurse
"Room f-03"

I rushed to the room and saw Aysia rapped in bandages.
She opened her eyes looking at me

"Carter?" She said softly as tears filled my eyes

"Wh-what happened?!" I asked. My voice was extremely shaky. I hated seeing her like this

"It's nothing lexi just got in an little argument"

"Little?! Little?! This dumb bitch landed u in the fucking hospital! I'm tired of seeing u go through this shit and hear u defend her!" I yelled jumping out my seat.

"Carter I know! But right now isn't the time for this. Carter I jus need u to be here with me and make me feel better" she started to cry

I laid in the bed holding her from behind making her feel safe in my arms.

"What the fuck?!" someone shouted
Waking me and Aysia up
I looked towards the door to see Lexi there standing with so flowers and a damn jewelry box. Anger quickly spiked in me as got up walking to her

"You think some fuckin flowers and necklace go make up for what u did?!" I screamed getting ready to take a swing but Lexi quickly blocked my shot and punched me in my stomach as I fell on my knees holding my stomach she kicked me in my mouth causing me to fall back and blood gush out my mouth
I hoped back up and pushed her into a tray. She got on top me and started pounding her fist into my face
Aysia got up and clicked the button for a nurse to come.
The nurse tried pulling Lexi off me but Lexi elbowed her in the mouth.

Security came in quick breaking me and her apart. They kicked us both out the hospital and wouldn't let us see Aysia.
I got in my car and grabbed my basketball towel to clean up this blood.
I started the car and the time was 6:00
"Dru!!" I shouted putting my car in reverse.

Carter POV

I pulled up too Taco Bell, where Dru worked.
I walked in and she was sitting at a table with her head in one hand and her phone in the other. Once she saw me she rolled her eyes and stormed towards me.

"You just love showing up an hour late huh?"

"Ma I'm sorry somet-"

"Yea I know something came up right? Just like last night" she said cutting me off

"Baby I'm serious I just, Idk. I had to go check on a friend at the hospital and time flew by"

"Whatever Carter can u just take me home" she said leaning against the car door with her arms folded.
I had a blue polo hat on to cover up the black eye and busted lip Lexi gave me.

"Baby I'm sorry about last night and today I'm serious ma I'm sorry"
I said as Dru laid on sore stomach.

*we ballin like the march madness all these cops shooting niggas tragic*🎶

My phone started to ring I quickly answered once I saw Aysia picture pop up.

"Hello?" I answered

"Please come pick me up I'm scared, Lexi came back and she just went to pick up something from the store, can u make here before she comes back?!" She said really fast

"Yea yea calm down ma I'm on my way be ready!" I hung up and jumped up

"Where are you going now?" Dru said standing up

"I gotta take care of something I'll call u" I reached down for my other shoe when my hat fell off

"What the fuck?!" Dru gasped covering her mouth

"What happened to your face Carter?!"

"It's to much to explain rn" I kisses her cheek and ran off

I pulled up to the hospital and Aysia was waiting on me on a bench, I quickly got out to help her in the car. Then I drove off

"How are you doing?" Asked rubbing her hand

"Better now" she smiled and looked at me

We arrived to our motel room and I picked her up out the car and kicked the door closed carrying her in the room.

"Carter?" She said as I gently laid her down
"The other day that was Lexi texting you..not me."


Aysia's P.O.V.

"I don't know what to do." I said starting to feel tears in my eyes.

"You need to go to the cops" Carter said .

"And then wait around for her to come back so we can end up in the same situation . Cause me and you both know I have nothing ! " I said . "This fucking job is barely covering my grandpas hospital bills and I still gotta pay these other bills by the 3rd ! " I added .

"Why don't you just sell the shit !! " she asked . "You know damn well that's my grandpas house !! I grew up there , shit WE BOTH grew up there Carter . " I answered .

She sighed and sat down .

"And I know about that girl ." I mumbled . "What girl ?" She asked . "That girl Dru.. She was texting you when were asleep." I replied .

"Do you like her ?" I asked .

She sighed and rubbed her face.

"Can we just go to bed please ." Carter said getting ready for bed .

I sighed and followed her actions

I snuggled into bed but kept my distance from Carter .

Maybe this girl could be good for her ..

Maybe I should just leave her alone so she could be with her .

But that's my Carter .

No one else can have My Carter .

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