7: Peppermint

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Corey POV

I smirked a little as Rowan's face turned a deeper shade of red. 

"So?" I asked, mischievously.

"What are you thinking, Corey? My parents will kill me if they find out!" I laughed a little, and she looked down at her lap. 

"Please?" I asked her. She was deciding whether to sleep - um, stay with me another night.

Her parents already barely believed that she was at Sabrina's, since she would have been a lot more excited about it. Rowan rolled her eyes at me and wrapped an arm around my neck, sideways.

I kissed her cheek and she punched me playfully.

"You're distracting me." She complained. I rolled my eyes. 

"It's not that hard. Yes or no?" 

"I-I'm sorry Corey, no. I don't think this is okay."

"Can we at least hang out one more time before you have to go back home?" She nodded, and I swore I saw a tear. She went into the bathroom to grab her clothes, then followed me downstairs. 

What we hadn't anticipated was that my parents would already be up. They saw Rowan wearing my clothes, her hair messy, then saw me in my pajamas, my hand around her waist. 

My mom's mouth dropped open and my dad just gave me this look of shock. I hurried and walked her to the door. 

"We'll talk later." I said in an undertone, rushed her out the door, and turned back to face my parents, expecting the worst. 

Rowan POV

I jumped out onto the front steps and sighed, annoyed. Corey had pushed me out the second he saw his parents. I shook my head and started the short walk home. It was only a couple of blocks, and it was still early. 

When I got home, I pulled the key from beneath the welcome mat and unlocked the door quietly. No one was awake yet, I was lucky. 

I snuck up to my room, but didn't want to take Corey's clothes off. They smelled like him, and reminded me of us, snuggling last night. 

I stumbled into the bathroom and brushed through my hair. It was going to be a long day. Not to mention my parents would have no idea how I got home. 

I applied makeup, then went back into my room to reread the Harry Potter series. But it was difficult. My mind wouldn't stop wandering, and I had little time to think. My thoughts went to Corey every time I tried to focus, and then I heard my phone buzzing. I grabbed it off my night stand, and answered it. 

It was Corey. His deep voice still made me blush. "Hey Babe," He said quietly. "My parents got really mad. They thought we - you know." I could hear the anxiety in his voice. 

"It's okay Corey. You know we didn't, I know we didn't. That's all that matters."

"I know. But they don't want us to hang out anymore. They told me that I can't see you, except for rehearsals, since they can't change that."

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a sob. 

"Corey. I-" I let the tears come. "I need you."

"I love you Row. I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and sat in shock of what was to come next. This was different, almost exciting, and we had ruined it all. What now?

UGH WRITER'S BLOCK GO AWAY! I'm so sorry for being a butt and waiting for a whole four days to update, but it's the weekend now, so I'll probably try to update twice today and twice tomorrow.

They may be shorter chapters, but I tried. Thanks for reading!



I Need You | COWANTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon