13: New Beginnings

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Rowan POV

I was with Corey, on the way to rehearsals, when we both got a text from Peyton. 

Sab's awake, come quickly. : /

I just grabbed Corey's arm with a reflex of fear. 

"What are we gonna do, Cor?"

"We have to go to rehearsals. No getting out of it. Or we could go, tell MJ we'll be back in a half hour, visit Brina, and go to rehearsals."

"I like the second one better. Let's go." He wrapped an arm around me and we got into his car. I kissed him quickly, and we drove to the studio to tell MJ. 

After that, we went to the hospital, which was luckily only a couple of blocks away. We found the room, and saw Sabrina, with Peyton by her side. 

"Hey." Peyton said quietly as we got in the room. Sabrina looked us over, and smiled. 

"Hi guys," She said slowly. "What's up?" I ran to her screaming. 

"SABBY I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE ALIVE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I hugged her tight and kissed her cheek platonically. She grinned. 

We separated, and Corey went to hug her too. Then he kissed her. I was a little shocked, and didn't believe it. 

"COR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I asked, anger creeping into my voice.

"I-Row, I'm so sorry I just..." 

"Don't bother finishing that sentence, Corey. I never want to see you again. Good bye."

I walked the short distance back to the studio and sat in one of the star chairs. Ben came over, but I ignored him. 

"What's wrong, Rowan?" 

"Nothing. Just...leave me alone please."

"Oh-okay." He placed a hand on my arm like a father would and then walked away. 

I was alone now. Peyton was at the hospital. So was Sabrina. Corey had betrayed me, and I didn't trust the rest of the cast enough.

Then I saw Ceci B, who played Smackle in the show. I walked up to her. 

"Can I...talk to you?" I asked tentatively. 

"Yeah, of course!" She told me brightly. "What's wrong?"

"It's Corey. We both liked each other for a long time and then we started dating. We had our ups and downs and now he kissed Sabrina. Sabrina is in the hospital, Peyton's with her. I'm all alone. Do you have any advice?"

"Row, I highly doubt he actually meant to hurt you. By the sound of it, you guys just need a little break. It's okay. Just take a step back for a few days, then when you're ready to forgive him, you can go back to him." She hugged me, and her intoxicating perfume enveloped me. 

I smiled, wiping away a few stray tears. 

"Thank you."

"Anytime." She said back. I walked to filming. This was the start of something new. A new start.


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