14: Forest

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Rowan POV

I sat on set, waiting for the cameras to start rolling. It was another day of filming, and today, there were a lot of Riley and Farkle moments. That was meaning, I had to see Corey more. 

We waited a half hour, since I was here early. Corey still didn't show up. Sabrina and Peyton were back, but Corey was still gone. 

I turned to Sabrina. "Where's Corey?"

"Why do you care? You were so rude to him. He left. He's not coming back."

"Sabrina, I need to know where he is."

"I don't even know."


I stepped back, shocked by my own fury. Sabrina held a hand over her mouth, and walked away slowly. I had never yelled at her before. This was a problem. 

Ceci came back over. 

"Hey," I called out slowly.

"Rowan, you need to calm down. I know that you not being with Corey is hard for you right now, but I need you to be as calm as possible. If you don't, you'll lose everyone around you."

"Thanks. I just needed that." I smiled at her, and she turned to leave. "Wait." I said. "How are we supposed to film this? With Corey gone, there's no episode." 

"You can figure it out. You're smart." She turned away, and disappeared into the shadows.(Isn't she just like a little shoulder angel?)

I walked onto the set. Filming had been cancelled. I had to find Corey. 

I bumped into Sabrina on the way. "Hey, Sab, I'm really sorry." She burst into a fresh batch of tears. 

"I'm sorry too. I know you're stressed about Corey."

"I still shouldn't have done that."I hugged her, and then she backed away. "I'm gonna go find him." I stated simply. She thought about it for a second. 

"I'm coming with you." She whispered. I nodded, linked arms with her, and we walked out into the rain. 

We hopped in every puddle, and we were soaking wet when we stopped in a small shop for a bit to catch our breath. We still hadn't found Corey, and we were probably going to get pneumonia. 

Then I saw a familiar face. A less familiar one. Holding each other. Flirting. Then kissing, in the corner. I shook my head, and turned away. It was Corey. With another girl. I looked out the window. 

"Well that didn't take him long, did it?" I asked bitterly. Sabrina saw him finally, gasped, and turned to me, hugging me with a big squish of our wet clothing. 

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say, Rowan." I shook my head, let the tears fall, and led Sabrina out into the rain. 

"For now, we're gonna pretend nothing happened." I mumbled to myself. Then I rolled my eyes. "Who am I kidding?" I shouted into the gloomy day. 

"MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME WITH MY BEST FRIEND, THEN FOUND A NEW GIRL!" I shouted it loud, then ran along with Sabrina down the slippery streets. 

* * *

It was still raining when we got back to my house. Sabrina sat beside me on the bed. I had given her some sweatpants and a t-shirt. 

I wore the clothes I had gotten from Corey, crying into the sleeves. Sabrina rubbed my back, while we watched reruns of Psych. Not even their ridiculous humor could help me now. 

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