Rebel Rouser

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Dear Kenna,

How are you, Love? We've missed having you around to shout at the television and burn plastic in our VERY expensive cookers. Only joking, Love. How is school going? I hope your doing better this year, Kenna.

We heard the news - about the girl. Dumbledore also informed us that you had helped her and had a bond with her. If you need to, please feel welcome to come home and we will give you all the support in the world.

If you feel more comfortable around friends then feel free to stay at school - we are sure your brave enough to protect yourself.

See you in a few weeks for Christmas! Me and Pete have news we hope you will be happy to hear.

Love, Kate.

I neatly fold up the parchment and store it in the shoebox under my bed with the rest of them. I'm not planning on leaving Hogwarts, not with what's happening and I don't want to leave anyone behind. Well, Teddy behind.

It has only been two days so I'm not surprised that no progress has been made. Dippet is pushing the search for the 'chamber' since Myrtle's parents are arriving later. Taking a look outside, I see that we are deep into autumn. Halloween is five days away and it has seemed to cheer Teddy up, he loves the feast.

"Kenna! Kenna, can I come in?" A boys voice leaks through the door and into the empty dorm. "Sure," I mumble.

Teddy comes waddling in with a grand smile on his face. I haven't seen him this happy since. "What is it, Teddy?" I ask the boy who's now practically bouncing on my bed. "They found them, Ken! We'll not a them more of an it but they found it!" He throws his long arms around me and squeezes too tightly.

Myrtle! He's talking about Myrtle! They found the bastard who killed her. I wish I could of found him, maybe then he wouldn't have came back in one piece. He said it? It wasn't Riddle? It wasn't Riddle. "What was it, Ted? What killed her?" I ask as I lightly push him off me.

"Well, I was going down to breakfast, which you missed, by the way, and I ran into Professor Dumbledore. He's really nice, I reckon he could do twice as better as Dippet. Anyway, he couldn't help but tell me what happened. He said I could tell you aswell. And guess what? He called me Teddy!" Ted takes a deep breaths and smiles warmly at me.

"Myrtle was killed by a creature then? Not a person?" I'm asking if Riddle did it, however, if I said the words Teddy would just get all confused. "No, It was an spider. Horrible, horrible things they are. You know, Hagrid? Rubeus in third year? Well, he was caring for it. Poor lad, I bet he had no idea."

I know Hagrid. A bit of a loner, Dumbledore takes interest in him and Hagrid is very grateful. He doesn't have parents so we can only presume that he is half giant due to his hight. Giants are known as dangerous creatures, and rightly so in some occasions, but Hagrid wouldn't harm a fly. He has been known to care of strange, misunderstood animals.

Looking over I see that I have slept in till noon. "Want to come to lunch with me, Teddy?" I offer with a clean smile. I'm not hungry, I just want to see him. Teddy, as expected, accepted immediately and we headed down to the main hall.

Unfortunately, Tom wasn't there. The rest of his pathetic gang were. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. It was none other then Tom Riddle who found and handed other the predator. It's would be obvious. Can't believe Hagrid is loosing his wand for this." He must of done it last night. It wasn't him. And this rush of relief running through me is confusing. Teddy ate like mad, as usual, and I ate little. "I'm going to-"

"Go. I expected it," Teddy mutters coldly. He hardly ever talks like that. I should stay to comfort him but I really don't want to stay here, so I quickly slip my hand into his and squeeze it tightly before leaving the hall. I didn't leave for any reason, I just hate it in there. The whole atmosphere makes me feel cramped and disfigured. I don't belong in there.

I feel drawn to go to her bathroom. It's probably locked off but it's never stopped me before. I want to be there. The students are all huddled in groups and clinging to the walls still talking in hushed whispers. Do people not have better things to talk about then a dead girl? The hall becomes deserted as I grow closer towards the bathroom. The only sound that can be heard is a deep scream.

A boy is screaming. He sounds like he's in pain. I run into the bathroom but it's completely empty, not a crumb in sight. The stall door is still open. The one she was crying in. The one I comforted her next to. The one I left her next to. The one where she died. My mourning is broken by another wail of pain.

It's coming from the taps yet they are abandoned. Another cry breaks out. If it wasn't a mad idea, I would suggest someone's using the Cruciatus curse.

Cautiously, I step slowly into the bathroom, the thin layer of water soaking into my shoes, and move towards the noise. It's coming from the sinks. They look perfectly intact to me, apart from the chipped parts that have always been there. The screaming gets louder and louder before it stops completely.

I contemplate waiting for who or whatever it is to come out but then Teddy's face as I left the table springs into my mind and Teddy clouds curiosity so I make my way back to the hall. His face lits up like Christmas had came early when I sit next to him.

"This is new!" Teddy beams. "Good moment."  However, my moment of warmth from making my best friend happy is cut short when I realise the person who was missing. Tom.

"Don't get attached to moments. Good or bad, they all pass," I whisper then rest my head against my best friends side.

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