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No one could have ever predicted it happening, it took everyone by surprise. One day I was here, the next day I was there. What could have happened to me?

What did happen to me? I was captured at a party, a party I was at because I was scared. I was driven by fear, just like everyone else on this goddamn planet. I let my fear control and steer me to wherever it wanted me to go. I've let my fear control me for my whole entire existence. Life is so much easier on the safe side; it's way less complicated to stay in your comfort zone. The problem is that your fears will always creep up on you. One day you will be lounging on your couch, and the next day you will be finding out about a dead family member. Bad things happen to everyone, and occur all the time. You can't always dodge your fears because you can't control everything.

Facing your fears helps you. It's beyond difficult to stand up to what scares you, sometimes it feels impossible; I should know. I too had a horrible fear and it seemed unattainable to move on from it. The thought of it happening to me brought shivers up my spine, made my hair stand on ends, and my heart pulse rapidly. I was scared. I was more than scared. I was petrified.

I was so scared that this fear would come true that I never noticed that I was prone to it. No matter how terrified I was, I kept falling into that pit. I kept managing to end up in that horrible place. I didn't want to end up there, but I couldn't help it. I was doomed to keep falling and falling back into my fear. I wasn't in control of my situation because how was I supposed to control something that I didn't even understand?

It was a continuous circle, and it was driving me mad. The only end result was me being hurt, no matter what I tried to do. Albert Einstein said 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results'. I was insane. I kept on doing the same thing expecting better results, but it never would happen. I would never learn my lesson.

My fear you ask? I was afraid of love. Falling in it or just simply loving someone. I was terrified of love because of how I always felt after it. I didn't want to face my fears, but not wanting to face my fears wasn't even an option. Love isn't something you can manipulate, it takes you by surprise. Which is why even though I didn't want to face my fear, I always ended up having to do so.

That's how I managed to get to the place I am today. I fell in love again, and I let my fear drive me to a despicable place. This time though, I would try to change it. This time I would try to avoid it. This time I thought my only choice was to run away.

This my friends, is the story of how, I, Bexley Tate, disappeared. 


Hey! I did this for NaNoWriMo, and I am editing it as I go along, but be warned probably still a lot of mistakes!

I am going to start posting this story continuously starting on February 3rd, my goal is to post every Wednesday, but as I said earlier I am editing as I go along, so it might be every second week!

I hope you enjoy this story, and if you want to kill any of the characters, join the club. Some of them got quite annoying.


The Disappearance of Bexley TateWhere stories live. Discover now