Chapter Six: Aidan

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--Chapter Six: Aidan--

"One of the cruelest thing you could ever do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do" -Unknown


There in front of me was a boy. Not just a boy; the boy with sandy brown hair. He was tall, much taller than me, and was quite muscular for a fifteen-year-old. His skin was an olive colour and he had these eyes. His beautiful green eyes were the hue of every shade in a forest that you could find.

He hadn't noticed me yet, but boy oh boy had I noticed him. I felt uneasiness in my core. I shouldn't feel this way around a friend. He was barely even a friend. We talked once in awhile but not frequently. He was my brother's best friend. I envied my brother for getting to spend time with that glorious boy.

His eyes skimmed over the crowd and landed on me. I could hear my heart beat in my head. My eyes widened and I looked away. He had already caught me starring at him.... ugh I hate that. I pretended to be looking at a banner past him in the hallway when I noticed he was strolling towards me. I coyly shifted my posture and took a deep breath.

"Hey Bexley," he said.

I smiled at him politely, mustering every ounce of courage in me, "Aidan, how are you doing?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I have been better; I hate school," he said, gesturing to the building we were in.

My eyes flickered around the hallway. There were some students walking by us and I glanced over at them recognizing every single one of them. One thing in the hallway was out of the ordinary and instantly caught my eye. I glanced over at the huge disco ball in the middle of the hallway. Oh no, they only put that disco ball up on one day throughout my high school life... the day I got my heart broken, 80's day. "Well--- we could always hang out sometime outside of school," I found myself saying, giving him a small smile.

He rose an eyebrow, "funny, I was over here because I wanted to ask you about that."

"Really?" I asked, shocked.

He nodded his head, smiling, "for sure. I'd like to know you better."

I think I stopped breathing... I didn't know what to say so I just stood there awkwardly.

"What are you doing tonight?" he questioned.


"Want to hang out?" he suggested. I nodded my head so fast I thought I got whiplash.

"Sure," I said afterwards, trying to play it off cool.

"I'll be over at seven?"

"Okay, I'll see you then," I responded. He grinned and turned on his heels and disappeared into the crowd. As soon as he was out of sight I was able to breath again. I remembered what happened next unfortunately.


I woke up in a new place. I was outside my house in the dark. It was raining hard, and I was wearing a flimsy navy rain coat. No matter how much I try to push this memory away from me, I will always remember it. I was waiting for Aidan, the boy I quite possibly was in love with; well, as much of love you can be in at fifteen. I was tapping my foot impatiently against the cement driveway. I didn't want him to enter the house because of my brother; I didn't want him to assume anything because I wasn't sure what was going on yet.

Suddenly a figure popped out from the horizon, and I recognized the frame as belonging to Aidan. The figure walked closer and closer, and then he stepped under a street light and I could make out his face. I wish I could have made out with his face... Bexley stay in line! He looked sad, but at the same time happy. I grinned, and walked down the driveway to meet him. He met my gaze and returned my smile. His smile was different, it was bittersweet. "Are you ready?" he asked, eyeing me cautiously.

I mean I was standing outside my house waiting for him so hopefully I was? "Yes," I said. We walked and walked. Aidan grabbed my hand while we were walking. Could this possibly mean he had feelings for me too? I didn't even think about asking where we were going, as long as I had him, I had direction. Dang I was a cheesy fifteen-year-old.

We eventually made it to a small park. The park had a swing set, and a merry-go-round and that was it for a playground. There were a couple trees, and a small wooden bench underneath the trees. It was dark out. The only light was a dim orange street lamp that managed to only light up the playground. Aidan led me over to the small bench, and sat down. He grasped my hand tightly in his. We chatted for awhile. We talked about school and his job and everything else in between.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," he said, under his breath, sighing.

I turned my head to look at him and that was when I noticed the proximity. His face was right in front of mine. He leaned in and I followed his lead. His smooth lips pressed against mine. I tangled my hands in his beautiful hair and pulled him closer to me. My heart started to beat ten times faster and I felt shivers all over my body.

Suddenly Aidan pulled back and I quickly opened my eyes. His lips left mine, and it felt like I got a bucket of freezing cold water thrown at me. He retracted his hand from mine too, and looked in front of him. I tried to reach out to him and he flinched away. "We can't do this," he said quietly. My heart clenched.

I frowned, "why can't we? Is something wrong, Aidan?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "I-I... I really like someone else, and it's just working out too. I-I, don't like you. I don't know what overcame me. I only asked you to hangout as friends. I guess it's just teenage hormones, I am sorry Bexley," he responded, still not looking at me.

He glanced over at me and I saw agony all over his face. He quickly looked away again. I was hoping that he was pained because he really enjoyed kissing me, but it was probably just his guilt. I scanned his profile, hoping to find something. Guilt was ridden all over his face. I sighed. He really must like this girl. I wish I was her....

"Who?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

He paused for a minute staring down at his hands, "Rebecca," he said quietly. Rebecca was some chick in my grade who wasn't very nice at all. She was this mousey chick with an attitude. No one liked her. However, I would have traded spots with her in a second at this moment.

"I should get going," I stated, fearing that I was going to start sobbing in front of him. Sobbing wouldn't be the most attractive thing. Most boys don't like it when girls cry, hell, I don't like it when girl's cry and I am one. I had to be strong. I had to show him that I didn't care about him even though I did.

"I am sorry Bexley, I am sorry for leading you on. I am sorry... but we should be friends! I really want to be your friend," he said, stealing another look at me.

I stood up off of the bench, and turned my head to look down at him. He looked up at me. I was lucky the light was so dim and I couldn't make out the shades of irresistible green otherwise I would have been gone. "I'll see you at school, maybe," I said. I turned my head away quickly to avoid seeing his reaction. I strutted out of the park and away from that boy.

Aidan played me. He was the first person to make me realize how easy it was to get your heartbroken. He was my first heartbreak but he certainly wasn't my last. My father and Alex shortly followed him...



Well look who updated! I am gonna be a lot more steady with updates from now on. I promise. I've actually gone back and edited all the chapters. I didn't change any events. I just made grammar and tense fixes! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! I'll be updating the next week and the week after that and the next week and.... forever until this story is done! (:


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