My Piano

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So we finally got my piano home from my grandparents' house the other day, I spent hours playing it and now I know how to play music from Minecraft. I can't stop playing it, I love my piano almost as much as I love my boyfriend, and that's saying a lot. I don't know what songs to learn, I'm trying to learn a bunch of video game music or really pretty piano songs but I don't know many, if you have any suggestions leave a comment and I'll check it out.

On another note, my mom is looking for a house since her boyfriend and his daughter moved in with us and the duplex we live in is crowded. She was trying to keep me in the same school district so I could stay in my Cisco class (a college level computer networking class that I LOVE), but she found out that other schools come to this school temporarily for the class so now she's looking outside the school district too, and I told my friend that if that happens I'm dropping out of school because I don't want to go through that for my senior year. He told me that I could move in with him and I thought it was a joke, turns out he was being serious and now he's like trying really hard to get me to move in with him, and the only thing stopping me is my mom not letting me. Since I'm not 18 I can't legally decided to move out like that so I either need her consent or m CPS pulls me out, or I get emancipated, but with those as my options I have a better chance of moving in with him if I wait till I'm 18. Plus I won't have room for my piano, I would have to get a job and pay rent, and my mom would most likely make my dad stop paying for my phone and stuff so I'd have to pay my own cell phone bill and all that, and I can't even get a job in the first place. All the places I've applied to just left the application sit or something and I never get a call back or anything, on top of that it just feels awkward going in for a job because according to the papers and everything I'm a guy and I'd have to go pretend to be a guy to get a job.

I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. My life is just hectic and full of different decisions I can't make because I'm an indecisive passive waste that would rather watch my rights be stripped from me than fight for what I want. I don't know anymore, I'm kind of just rambling on about nothing again, I should probably just go then.

Hope everyone's having/had a wonderful day! Byez!


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