1.6 - Ruby POV

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We walked into the coffee place, I immediately recognized the small chairs, couches and tables tucked against the brick walls. The shop smelled like vanilla and, unsurprisingly, coffee. I inhaled deeply before following Payton to the corner we sat at last time we came here. It took me a minute to realize there was a stranger sitting on one end of the couch, his feet kicked up on the small table in front of him.

He wore a red flannel top, the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearm and black skinny jeans. His fingers flicked across the screen of his uncased iPhone, an unamused expression plastered on his face. He had short dark curls that clung to his head and long eyelashes. His dark skin was contrasted by the sharp white of the gauges in his ears, his unused hand fiddling with a dogtag around his neck with a pattern of colors I vaguely recognized but couldn't put a name to.

"Dax!" Payton declared, causing the man to look up. A smile spread across his face as he stood up, engulfing Payton in a tight hug.

"Pay! How are you?" he asked, handing her a cup of coffee that was sitting on the table.

"I'm doing fairly well," she answered lightheartedly. Suddenly she remembered I was standing behind her, and grabbed my hand to pull me beside her. "Dax, this is Ruby. Ruby, Dax."

"Nice to meet you Ruby," Dax said sweetly, handing me a cup of coffee identical to the one Payton now held in her hand. I nodded a small thanks as we sat down, all sipping what appeared to be vanilla lattes.

We sat in silence for a moment, before Payton interjected with a loud, "Dax what happened to your eye?"

Dax and I flinched at the sudden noise, and I noticed a dark, bruised circle around his left eye that I had missed earlier. "I was in the bathroom the other day and some transphobic fuck decided it was his concern about who used the mens restroom," Dax said bitterly. Suddenly, I realized the pattern on his dogtag was a trans pride flag. "I could ask Ruby here the same question. What happened to your face?"

I groaned, reaching my fingers up as they grazed the large bruise I had poorly attempted to cover with concealer this morning. "I came out to my boyfriend as pan, and we had an, erm, disagreement. He was an asshole anyway," I declared, taking another sip of my latte.

Both Payton and Dax looked at me sympathetically. "Ah, fuck em. Who needs those kind of people anyway?" Payton declared, raising her coffee cup. Dax and I lightly raised our cups as well, Dax muttering a small 'yeah fuck em' before downing most of his lukewarm coffee.

The conversation continued, and I found out Dax and I had a few classes together since we were both majoring in the same thing. I told him about my rich grandma, who was nearly completely paying for my college tuition. He told me he had been nationally recognized for his writing in his senior year of highschool, and was receiving scholarship money.

"You know Ruby, you're really cool. We 3 should definitely hang out more," Dax complimented, Payton feigning offense that Dax hadn't called her cool too.

"Yeah, I totally agree, we should get together before the semester starts for sure," I said, tossing my empty coffee cup in the bin closest to us.

"Hey, come to think of it, my friend Carter is having an end of summer party tomorrow night. I'm sure, if you're not busy, you guys could totally come," Dax said hopefully.

"Oh I don't think-" I started, then Payton interrupted me.

"We would love to Dax," Payton reassured him

"Great I'll text you the address. Can't wait! Anyway, I should probably go clean up my place a bit. I'll see you guys around," he declared, standing up and slowly sauntering out of the shop.

Maybe a party won't be the worst thing in the world...

----------------------------------------------hey guyssss
1.08 k ayyy
anyway, because I am very much gay trash, I have decided to make a lesbian smut book.
I would definitely love it if you all checked it out!
do you guys like Dax? I'm excited to develop his character a bit.
Ok I think that's about it

later days,

Room Mates : A Ruby Rose Fanfiction (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now