2.1- Payton

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I stood in my room, peeling off my dress and soaked panties. My mind was still buzzing from the sex (if that's what you wanna call whatever that was) with Ruby half an hour earlier. Ruby had collapsed on top of me and we had layed in silence for a while before resolving to get up and change into more comfortable clothing. I grabbed a black sports bra and a Fall Out Boy tank top, throwing them both on before searching for my Adidas sweatpants. I found them under the bed and smelled them, determining that they weren't too disgusting to wear. I struggled to fit my foot through the skinny bottom before giving up and unzipping both ankles and sliding my feet through.

I opened my drawer and grabbed a pair of black fuzzy socks, then collapsed on the bed and started to pull them on. I jumped at the sudden sound of three sharp bangs on the wall.

"Hey Payton?" I heard Ruby shout from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, pulling on my other sock.

"Can we go get Sonic? I'm hungry as fuck!" She exclaimed. I thought for a moment before remembering the severe lack of good food in the fridge, and picturing a stack of french fries. It was enough to convince me. It was a plus that Sonic was open 24 hours a day, so it was completely fine that we were about to leave and go get fast food at 12:30 in the morning.

"Yeah lets do it!" I said back, standing up off the bed and grabbing a blue and black flannel before walking out the door of my bedroom. I crossed the apartment and grabbed my solid black hightop Converse from by the door. I turned back and collapsed on the couch, loosening the laces and pulling them on over my fuzzy socks. A few seconds after I had laced up both of my shoes, Ruby walked out of her room. She had a loose, dark blue sweater covering her upper half paired with black leggings and a warn out pair of grey Vans.

Dark purple and red marks littered her neck, all the way from her jaw to the connection between her neck and her shoulder.

"Hey don't stare, those are your fault," she chuckled, obviously noticing my concerned expression. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to suck my blood or something."

"Your fault for being so damn hot," I replied, standing up and grabbing the keys from their hook beside the fridge. I shoved my phone into my pocket, opening the door and looking back at her. "Lets go get food." She smirked and walked out the door in front of me; I followed and shut the door behind us, locking it before following her to the elevator. When we reached my car, Ruby clambered in the passenger side and grabbing the aux cord. I sat down and started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading toward's the Sonic. Ruby propped her feet up on the dash, her face twisted in concentration trying to find something to play.

"Ok," she stated, looking over at me. "I've had this song stuck in my head all fucking day, so you can't judge me."

"I'm not gonna judge you, just play it," I said, keeping my eyes on the road. She pressed her thumb to the screen and Chloe by Emblem3 started playing through the speakers. "I haven't heard this song in so long!" I exclaimed, looking over at her briefly. I started singing loudly along with the lyrics, a look of surprise and happiness spreading across Ruby's face. After a few seconds, she joined in, nailing the rapping parts while I mumbled along to the words I knew.

By the end of the song we had reached Sonic, Ruby air guitaring the last part. Silence took over the small space of the car for a moment before we both burst out laughing.

"That," Ruby said breathlessly, "was amazing."

"I agree," I laughed. "Now what do you want to eat?"


Just so you guys are aware, I do super short chapters so I can try to update as often as possible, but it's been really crazy. I'm training for soccer 5 nights a week so obviously that's very time consuming. Regardless, I'm hoping I will get the chance to start updating more frequently. As always, thanks for reading :)


Later Days, -Max

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