1.7 - Payton POV

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"Come on Ruby," I whined. "Just let me see it, I'm sure it looks fine!" Dax had invited us to a party tonight, and Ruby, having nothing to wear, was trying on one of my dresses.

"No, I look terrible!" she shouted back through the door, refusing to come out.

"Well I'm not giving you a different one until you show me this one, so it's in your best interest to just show me now," I said, desperately wanting to see how beautiful she looked in my tight black dress. I heard a loud sigh of exasperation on the other side of the door, and then the sound of the lock turning. Ruby slowly opened the door, standing awkwardly.

My breath seemed to catch in my chest as I slowly dragged my eyes down her frame. The dress hung just above her knees, clinging to her thighs and everywhere else really. A small criss-cross pattern exposed a small bit of skin in the center of her lower back. Thin spaghetti straps rested over her collar bones.

"I told you, I look awful," she complained, running a hand through her hair self consciously. I stepped closer to her, looking her up and down again. "n-no, you look stunning," I mumbled, sliding my hand along her collar bones to fix the straps so one was hanging over her shoulder on each side. She shuddered at the light contact before turning and marching into the kitchen.

"So we should go then?" She said, downing some water before unplugging her phone from the charger on the counter.

"Yeah, lets do it," I responded, grabbing my keys off the hook in the wall.


After a peaceful 20 minute drive, we arrived in front of Carter's house, cars lined up and down the street. Colorful light poured out of the garage windows, the faint sound of music flooding through the car doors. A couple people passed our car in party dresses and rumpled button up shirts. I looked over at Ruby, who fiddled with the bottom of her dress uncomfortably.

"Hey, it's gonna be fun, ok?" I said, meeting Ruby's nervous eyes. She gave a small nod and opened the door, ducking out of the car. I followed, locking the car doors and storing the keys on top of the front wheel. Ruby was waiting for me in front of the gate, a nervous smile tugging at her lips. I opened the gate and we walked towards the house, the music growing louder. A few people sat in a circle in front of the house, beers in hand, lazily leaning on eachother and laughing.

We passed them with a small smile and walked in the door. We were met with a swarm of people, all with drinks in hand. On the right, a small bar had been set up with 4 large coolers sitting on the floor. Colorful light flooded from a small door behind the kitchen, which obviously was the entrance to the dancefloor/garage. Loud dubstep pounded throughout the house, several people swaying to the music lightly. I looked over at Ruby, who was surveying the room thoughtfully.

"Lets go get drinks," I yelled over the noise. Ruby nodded, and I grabbed her hand to lead her through the massive swarm of people. Dax stood behind the counter, mixing various drinks and nodding along to the beat. "Dax! Can we get some beer?" I shouted. He turned around, flashing a smile and nodding. He ducked behind the counter and popped back up with a couple of cans of beer, sliding them across the counter to us. "What are you doing working?" I asked, popping the can open.

"Carter is paying a couple people to bar tend for a bit. My shift is almost over, but you guys should go mingle!" He yelled back, before turning to face another guy who had stumbled up to the counter. Thinking it was a good idea to introduce Ruby to some people, I surveyed the room. In the corner, Carter, the host of the party, stood chatting to another guy.

Carter was about 5'11 - 6'0, he had pale skin and dark blue eyes. His hair was shorter on the sides, swept across his forehead in a fringe with some hair sticking up on the top. The tips of his hair were frosted blue, the rest a dark brown. He had a small line of dark eyeliner on his eyes, and was dressed in a black button up shirt and black straight legged jeans.

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