2.3- Payton POV

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College started as you would have expected for me, which basically meant that it hit me like a truck. The last care free moment I could remember was the amazing night with Ruby at sonic, before the stress of sophomore life had run me over. The circles under my eyes had grown as dark as my soul (sooooo cliche I know, but I believe it to be true) and our apartment may as well have not been cleaned since Ruby and I moved in.

I sat alone in the living room, a new orange is the new black episode playing on my laptop screen in front of me and a bag of salt and vinegar chips resting on my leg. Ruby was at her 3:00 class and I had just gotten back a few minutes ago. I looked beside me at a few old water glasses sitting precariously on top of some expensive school books. It was annoying, but definitely not annoying enough for me to actually get off my ass and clean something.

I was about to turn my attention back to the screen because Nicky, my favorite character had made an appearance when I heard a loud knock on our door. Startled, I jumped on the couch, knocking the chips to the floor. Mentally cursing at myself, I approached the door. I opened it slightly to see who it was. I broke into a smile, pleasantly surprised at the face staring back at me.

"Oh my god hey Dax!" I exclaimed, opening the door wider and allowing him through. "what are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd come by and check on my favorite lezzy," he chuckled, collapsing on the couch. "I can see you're doing just great based on the looks of your apartment."

"I'm not even going to apologize, college is kicking my ass I don't have time for dishes." I groaned.

"It's a good thing I do then," he chuckled, getting up and starting to collect dishes from around the room. I was going to protest, but knowing Dax, it would have been useless. "Besides, I have to check in."

"Check in on what? And don't you and Ruby have the same class? Why aren't you there?" I inquired.

"Because that's what I wanted to talk to you about, and I knew she wouldn't be here, so I cut out a little early. So what's the deal with you guys?" He asked, beginning to wash dishes.

"That's a dumb reason to skip class, especially since I'm not sure how to answer you." I replied. My brain thought about Ruby, both the cute, relationship-y, and friendly moments between us covered up with fucking and the thought of her moaning in my ear. I swallowed, thinking about how to form my next sentence. "I guess at the moment you would call us..... fuck buddies?"

"Hmm, does that mean you don't like her as more than that then?" He asked, making me realize I really hadn't thought about exactly what Ruby and I were. At all.

"I'm not sure... I really like her... But there's no way she wants a relationship with me. Dax, you know how bad everything went with Lana and I," I exclaimed, suddenly frustrated at myself.

"So? Lana is not relevant anymore. You can't let your past emotionally stunt you Pay," he replied.

"I'm not emotionally stunted!" I said defensively. Which maybe was a lie, I don't know. It doesn't matter.

"All I'm saying is that you should figure it out, cause relationships like this are hard on people eventually."

I hated how correct he was. I was about to respond but I was interrupted by the door opening, the subject of conversation walking in the room. As usual, my breath caught in my chest a little as I took Ruby in, but the unfinished conversation with Dax would not be leaving my head for a while.
----------------------------------------------Hey pals

I don't have an excuse

My bad lol

special thanks to those who messaged me and made me update and get my shit together

Later days

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