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    THE BOY'S steps sound inexplicably loud; the thud of heels slamming against the pavement fill the quiet night's void. He was nervous, anxious for something he couldn't see, but something he could feel- a dreadful tickle at the back of his spine that aroused a cold chill to bloom. He could feel the dead silence of the night, he could feel the moon's absence like a shawl flung over his eyes- he could feel his upcoming doom. 

Even as he laughs nervously under his breath at his foolish thoughts of fright he knows deep down that something is wrong. He simply picks up his pace, calculating the fastest way to arrive at his destination where the darkness can no longer wrap around him. He keeps his hands tightly tucked inside his sweater and his eyes dart left and right. 

Shadows crawl along the floor creating an illusion of hands reaching out towards him, he quickens his pace once more. He never enjoyed the dark, it was a secret tightly kept to himself. A childish fear that was now unraveling itself, bringing back memories of fictional monsters he swore were in the dark depths of his closet.

Now he's no longer walking, nor jogging, but running-full speed- fueled by paranoia. His breaths come out in quick puffs and his brain screams, just a few more blocks...but just a few means your not quite there yet and that's all it takes for everything to fall apart. 

The boy stops; his heart leaps into his throat and the chills that had clung to his back all night explode into rapid ripples. He now knows the cause of his distress. He takes one step back all the while mumbling incoherent words. "Why cant...why...what are...oh my mom...Janey, I didn't tell...please..."

Red eyes simply blink in his direction; their owner ignoring the boy's pleas.

The silent night is once again interrupted, this time by a scream of pain. A scream so deafening that the trees tremble and the shadows curl away; a scream caused by pure evil. It doesn't last, ripped from the air before it can finish it's dark chorus. Soon death stains the street and blood pools around the boy's body. 

It turns out "just a few" was too much, after all.


Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by and please comment your thoughts. I'm really excited to write this story as I've built on it over and over as time went by.

So for those who read the original version, please comment and tell me what you thought of the new prologue.

Until next time loves,

Born to Die -The Kira Series- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now