Chapter Six

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"Only when you least expect it, does everything fall apart."

           IT'S TIMES like these that I find myself wishing I had superpowers

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           IT'S TIMES like these that I find myself wishing I had superpowers. Something like laser eyes would be helpful, that way the glare I'm currently sending at Keith would actually fucking hurt him! However I don't have superpowers so currently the glare I'm sending his way is going unnoticed. I want to tell him to never call me princess again, but I don't want to talk to him, my nerves still set on edge ready to bolt if he does anything...wierd.

"So Brie, you never answered my question." Keith turns around and begins to walk backwards an annoying smirk on his face. "What you doing in the outskirts of Tiana at four in the morning?"

My father's figure flashes before my eyes and I bite my lip; the reason why I ran here sending a cold shiver down my back. Keith raises an eyebrow in my direction. "Just needed some fresh air." I mumble, unable to hide the small crack of fear that breaks my words. If Keith noticed it he doesn't react, but simply nods.

"My car's this way." He says signaling with his head to the right. I stop in my tracks. "Y-your car?" I whisper, fear finally springing up my throat. Keith's posture tenses up, but quickly relaxes again.

"Yea my car. You didn't think we were going to walk all the way to Tiana, right?" He sounds honestly confused, but the way he watches me gulp makes it feel like he's down right laughing at me.

"W-well I came walking, I-I just assumed...well you know..." by now my words are stumbling over each other. Walking with a stranger is safer than getting in their car. Right now I had enough room to run or to scream and have people hear me. In a car I'd be screwed. No where to run, and sure I could scream my guts out but I'd be trapped. No one would hear me.

He chuckles softly and ever so slowly starts walking towards me, filling the already small gap serperating us. "Okay love, do you know where we are? This place isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. In fact you should consider yourself fucking lucky that the walk to my car was a peaceful one."

Keith's tone comes out angry but his strange blue eyes twinkle with humour. He takes one final step towards me, successfully shattering my bubble. He grins down at me, "Or what? You afraid of me?"

I place my hands on his chest and shove him away from me, or at least try to, all I do is force him to take one step back. "I am NOT afraid! Especially of you." Even as I speak the words, Keith raises an eyebrow. He knows I'm lying, hell I wouldn't have believed myself either.

"Look princess, if you don't get in the car you'll have to walk to Tiana yourself. Wait-" Keith pauses, getting lost in thought and then he smiles. "Right, you don't know where Tiana is."

It's at this moment that I know for sure how much of a douche this guy is.

"I'll have you know, Keith, I have pepper spray in my pocket. You try anything fishy and bye bye pretty eyes." I glare up at him, mustering all the anger I can into it. Sure the only thing I have in my pocket is a chewed gum wrapped up in a receipt, but Keith doesn't need to know that. Anyways, he might be a germaphobic, who knows really.

Keith stares down at me his blue eyes watching me very carefully, my glare almost falters under his gaze, but he abruptly breaks eye contact. "I'll take your word for it." He turns around and presumes to head in the direction of his supposed car. I ignore all the  warnings screaming at me in my head and once again I follow him.

• • • • •

No chinges! [Don't joke!] This is your car!?"

My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when a sleek red camaro comes to view. I don't know much about cars other than how to know if it's expensive or not and this car was screaming filthy rich.

"Spanish, huh?" He says grinning at me. I wave his comment off and continue to stare at this beauty standing in front of me. Que caro tan chulo. [What a beautiful car.] "Okay then angel, what car were you imagining, since this one, obviously, has you so shocked."

"Could you cut the sweetalk and I don't know..? Perhaps something, normal." This seems to amuse him because he shakes his head and chuckles underneath his breath. No actual laugh, but just a chuckle which could only translate to the fact that the words coming out my mouth are ridiculous to him.

"Do I look like someone who drives around in something, normal?"

I stop marveling at the car to look up at Keith. Something in his voice made the hair on my neck stand up. He's watching me, all humour gone from his face, yet his question sounded like a joke. So why are his eyes so cold all of a sudden? He raises his eyebrows and his lips curl up into a smirk. Suddenly a large dog begins to bark and bang against the fence of a nearby house, I let out a terrified scream and jump in the process. Keith's laughter begins almost instantaneously, the strange aura that had been surrounding him is gone.

I watch him as he laughs something really off about his movements, something really off about him period. The strange aura hadn't left it had simply been "put away". It's not until now that I notice just how dark his hair actually is. The blue sky around it appearing gray almost as if the darkness in his hair seeped out into the air. The way he stood was off, his feet positioned as if ready to run, his body tense even if he's laughing, and his wrist. His wrist was so wrong a black bruise now appearing across it with dark red lines. As if he sensed my staring his laughter dies down slowly till he's watching me back, a slight tilt to his head. I blink and everything is normal again; no bruise on his wrist, no wierd posture and his hair looks normal. Except his eyes, those strange blue eyes, remain the same. They have to be contacts, right? His stare only becomes more intense, and I gulp suddenly uncomfortable and light headed.

"Stupid dog." I mumble, my eyes not leaving his. He let's out a final burst of laughter before opening the passenger side door and signaling me to get inside. Without thinking it through...

I do.

Oh boy I've been gone for ages!!!! I missed you all and this story too.

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- Esmer

Born to Die -The Kira Series- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now