born2die dedication

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To my parents, who had absolutely nothing to  do with the creation of this book other than the part where they creating me...

so thank you.

Oh! And I also dedicate this story to my wonderful readers (I'm talking to you) thanks so much for deciding to drop on by and read a few chapters.

I appreciate it greatly.

All characters and locations in this book are merely fictional. Anything that happens to be a real person or place is only coincidental.

Nothing written or found in this book can be replicated and used without credit. I will hunt you down if you steal my work.
All rights are reserved to me.

Warning! Book Contains
-non descriptive sexual scenes
-and graphic violence

There will be Spanish from time to time due to the Latina character. All Spanish will be translated in brackets like these [ ]

Enjoy reading 💗


Born to Die -The Kira Series- Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang