Chapter Five

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"Hearts can so easily be flustered, so take care child, or yours might just get broken."

      YOU CAN say I never learn from my mistakes

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      YOU CAN say I never learn from my mistakes.

My grip tightens around my window-pane as I stare out into the starry sky, this night's nightmare/flashback having woken me up just minutes ago. My room is no longer just that-a room- instead it's a cage. Every damn nightmare trapped inside it and at the moment, me as well.

I turn to read the clock on my nightstand and cringe. Three in the morning, just my luck. The grip on my window pane only tightens as I continue to stare at the time. I could still see my father -there! Standing right by the door green eyes gleaming.

A long cold shiver snakes its way down my back as my breathe hitches in my throat. He's here! I tightly shut my eyes, yet when I open them, my father is still in the room watching me. He smiles, that crooked grin I learned to hate.

"¿Que tienes, mija?"[What's wrong, honey?]

Without a second thought I throw myself out, landing in a painful heap on the ground. My dad's voice is still here, hissing down from my bedroom window. "Brianna! ¡¿Que ases!?" [What are you doing!?]

I quickly stumble up from the ground and begin to run; my feet slapping painfully against the road. I don't bother to check if in my haste to leave I woke my mom up, afraid I'd see my dad staring at me through the window.

Afraid I'd have to look into those green eyes again.

• • • • • •

It takes me longer than usual to escape my thoughts and I find myself walking an entire mile way past the small gasoline store where I'd frequently end my walking, and way past the small sign that says, "Welcome to Tiana!".

Espera...[ wait ] how far have I walked?

My sneakers crunch against the gravel as I turn in a small circle.  I will myself to remember the small lone bar staring at me from across the broken road. I try so hard to remember the small motels that flank the bar on either side, and I basically force myself to recognize the blinking lights dotting the side of the road. Nothing, nothing was clicking!

Oh great, where the hell did you run to Brie?

Just like that, my surroundings start to slowly seep back in; thoughts of my father once again leaving my mind. I'm now aware of how damn cold the night is and that the stench of beer thickly layers the air around me. I nervously put my hood on and I stuff my hands into my pockets. I attempt to level out my breathing as I quickly make my way back home. Hopefully.

Ay dios [Oh God] please let this be the right way. Alright Brie just breath, in and out just in and ou-

My thoughts abruptly stop. There's an echo to my breathing, as a matter of fact there's one for my footsteps too. Oh come on don't play dumb! Someone's following you! Instantly my heart rate picks up and my breathing starts to sound like hyperventilating. By now I'm more than positive that someone is following me, their footsteps, a few feet behind me, thud slowly almost silently. If it wasn't for the broken gravel that scraped against my pursuers' s shoes I would never have noticed.

"I'm not going to fucking kidnap you, so calm down. Sheesh, I'm just casually walking and you start having a seizure or some shit. "

I gasp, more shocked that I recognize the voice than the words just spoken. Still I keep walking, now suddenly angry.

"Oh come on girl. You can't be serious?"

I turn around and glare at the blue eyed guy who I last spoke with at the gasoline station. Even if I recigonized his voice earlier the shock of him actually being here is still present. I hesitate, a nasty remark on the tip of my tongue, as I realize he doesn't have his hood on.

This time there's no shadows covering his face, this time I actually see just how attractive he is.

He smiles at me, perfectly straight white teeth glistening in the night. I shiver. "I've got to stop asking you this, but what's a girl like you doing out so late? And here of all places?"

He takes one small step forward, those stupid blue eyes watching me intently. "I don't need to explain myself to you." I snap, still angered from our first encounter. Who is this asshole anyways? I turn around and continue walking not even bothering to say bye to the guy.

"You're going the wrong way." This makes me stop in my tracks. I turn around and glare at him, raising a questioning eyebrow. Does this guy know where I live!?

He laughs his dark black hair falling over his forhead. "I'm assuming you live somewhere near that gasoline station, where we had the joy of bumping into each other." He smirks. "If you keep walking in that direction you'll only get farther from where you want to be."

I let out a pained grumble. I can't possibly be thinking about listening to this stranger!

His smirk only intensifies, "I'll take you home. Or to the station if your so worried about me knowing where you live. Eh what do you say?"

"I don't even know you!" I just about scream. It had to be sometime pass four and I had to be ready for school at six, I need to get home.

"My names Keith." Suddenly he's in front of me his hand stretched out between us. I flinch from his abrupt nearness; he only laughs at my reaction. How the hell did he..? "You gonna shake my hand or not?"

I stare at his outstretched hand just processing his words. Keith. I place my hand in his. He grins and tightly shakes my hand, his own feeling rough.

"My names Brie." I mumble out and his grin only widens. For a split second his grip on my hand turns painful, I wince, but he let's go quickly after.

"Follow me princess, I'll get you home in no time."


Long time eh?

Sorry I've been going through some...stuff and I didn't really feel like writing. However eventually I missed my beautiful characters and I had to come back XD

Okay chapter questions!

What do you do when you have nightmares?

I always wake up a bit shook but being the lazy ass I am I just go back to sleep XD

Also what are your thoughts on Keith?

Thanks for reading loves! Till next time ♡

Born to Die -The Kira Series- Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant