Chapter Three

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"Don't let the darkness take you, evil things inhabit it's depths."

                  THE TOWN is a mess

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                  THE TOWN is a mess. Gray mist floats around everyone; seeping out of their homes and heart. It's everywhere and I relish it's taste. Fear. It surrounds me giving me joy that I'm the one who caused it to float to the surface. Whispers of last night's murder, my murder, wisp along with the soft breeze. Small snippets of conversation reaching my ears.

I walk along the road. My scruffy converse and simple outfit of jeans and a black sweater blending me into the crowd. I readjust the dorky baseball cap covering my black hair making sure it casts enough shadows to cover my eyes. Although blue wasn't such an abnormal color, this blue contained a strange twisted hue to it that most definitely caught some curious stares.

Plus the baseball cap only helped blend me in more with the idiots who thought these things looked cool.

I walk slowly, in no rush to arrive at my destination, in fact I was a bit uninterested as to where I was going. Nonetheless I continue walking, a slight thrill overcoming my body. Seeing the after affects of my deeds proved to be a bit fascinating, even if their "shrines" tended to be...tedious.

I turn a quick corner and gray mist instantly consumes my form. I let out a quick whistled breath through my clenched teeth, but remain calm knowing not to draw attention to myself. The fear here is dense, it's cold touch sending pleasure throughout my body. It feels so good. I pin my gaze on the huge building standing in front of me, all the while attempting to block out the curling tendrils of gray.

Framed and standing up by the double doors of a high school is a picture of him. Shit crowds and litters the ground around his portrait; a collection of wilting flowers, half- assed looking origami and crumpled slips of notes. These shrines did tend to be tedious, but this one -this one- was just down right pathetic.

I keep my gaze on the picture of- I lean in reading the small print underneath the boy- of Mathew Benson. Memory of his last breath tangles itself with the gray fear slowly swirly around my head.

I pull out a small rectangular box from my pocket, a lone cigarette nestled inside. A bright red sign which reads, smoking free zone watches me place the cigarette between my lips and light the end. I take a quick puff, blowing the smoke out of clenched teeth right into Matthew's smiling face. I lazily blink, memory of his struggle awakening inside me. I could almost feel his blood slowly running down my arms.

"Thank you," another puff, more smoke, "for helping me ignite fear in this city."

I drop the cigarette to the ground, not bothering to put it out. The school could burn down for all I cared. The small lit end shines a bright orange in contrast to the dark black top of the school courtyard.

I let out a throaty laugh and readjust my cap. Then I walk away; slowly whistling in tune with the cold wind which blows Matthew's gifts to and fro. The memory of his death freshly painted into my mind.

Hey!!! How have you all been? So I decided I want to interact more with you wonderful readers. So I'll have questions for each chapter. Today's is:

What are your thoughts on smoking? Since this mystery character seems to do just that.


What are your thoughts on the chapter? Was it confusing? Was it to short?

Thanks for reading! Until next time :)


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