The end?

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Devin's POV

I woke up to a weird feeling. Something was wrong. "Mom, are you there"?

I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. I hoped out of bed to be meet by the ice cold floor of my room. I cursed myself for only wearing booty shorts and a crop top. My foot steps were the only thing I heard as a made my way down the stairs. A feeling of discomfort crawled up my spine as a turned the corner. I slowed my steps as I reached my parents room. I slowly pressed my ear to their bedroom door.

Nothing. Then I heard a scream from inside the room. Mom! "Mom" I repeated over and over as I opened the door.
Tears fell from my face. My mother laid there dead. I should have been smarter and just called the cops but I had to be sure it was real and I wasn't dreaming. Blood soaked through the sheets. More tears came as I neared the bed. Why, I thought, why did it have to be my mother. She was the only one who cared for me and my choses. I love my mom.
Who did this. The only other person in the house is my dad but he would never do this, would he? I heard the door of the bathroom creak open. I turned my head fast to see who it was, My dad stood their covered in blood with a knife in his hand. My Mom's blood dripped from the knife and hit the floor.
"Why would you do this, what is wrong with you." I screamed at the man I call my father.
"Listen here you ungrateful little shit, your lucky I haven't killed you, now get back to your room before I do, faggot" he screamed.
I didn't want to be hurt nor killed so I obeyed what he said. As I reached the stairs, I made a run for the front door. What the fuck am I doing. I need to get help he is going to kill me if I don't.
"Get back here faggot, you think you can get away from me, you have another thing coming". Please I'm so close to the door don't let him get me. Fuck. I slipped on what looked like blood. What the fuck. I looked up to see my cat with her throat cut open. I cried more. What a sicko. I was ripped off the floor by my hair.
I meet face to face with my father. His smirk sent shivers up my spine.
"I guess since you want to be a brat and not listen to me you are going to be punished" that was the last thing I heard before my head was smashed into the wall. Everything went black.

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